I've done a couple of fan fics for writing contests through the webzine that used to be hosted at Fanzing.com under the pseudonym of "Ed Buckler". Both of them featured Plastic Man (which was dangerous, as editor Michael Hutchison was as big a proponent of Elongated Man as I am of Plas) and neither were really all that good. Basically, the biggest complaint about my work was that I didn't pay close enough attention to DC continuity for the other writers.

See, I don't consider myself a "true" fanboy. I'm not "in tune" with the intricacies of continuity so much as I am with wanting to write a decent story. In one of my stories, I had two characters breaking into a Maxwell Lord-owned building to steal an Eclipso gem. Matthew Hagen (Clayface) was also featured in the story. The biggest complaint? Not the story itself so much as the fact that both Lord and Hagen were dead. Did I know that? No. Did I care? Not in the least. It made for the story I wanted to write. (Needless to say, I didn't win many awards...)

However, up until a couple weeks ago, I'd been writing with the fine gentlemen (and lady) over at Hero Headquarters v. 2.0 here on Rob's Boards since we were known as the MBL over at the DCMBs. It was a lot of fun, and helped me to develop a particular writing style. Working with characters that we created ourselves, we were able to control the characters' origins and influences, rather than having to rely on someone else's preconceived notions.

I've passed on since then, but am still attempting to apply the lessons I've learned on those boards. On occasion, I do post Comic Book Fights here on the Comics forum at RKMBs, but, admittedly, do stop before the real action starts. My current project, however, which is taking most of my writing attention, is FRINGE Comics, which I started over at Captain Sammtich's Message Boards (in a thinly veiled attempt to expand his clientele - hasn't rally worked so far). I consider this to be an incredibly unique opportunity to write for no one but myself and to get out ideas that have been stuck in my head for a while. I'm no longer tied to a group style of writing (though it does have its advantages and disadvantages) and am focusing on characters and concepts that are entirely my own. I have ultimate artistic freedom over at FRINGE, and it feels good.

If you should feel so inclined, feel free to shoot on over and give it a look-see. There's only one story running right now, but more will come at some point. You can put down some feedback in Sammitch's "Fanfic Central" forum. I'd be glad to read it.

But, in answer to the original question, I prefer writing fiction featuring my own creations and concepts than ones using pre-existing characters. Not enough freedom for my liking...