quote:Originally posted by Dave: I take your point: the story doesn't deal with contemporary social issues. Thor is used to pay lip service to the anti-globalisation movement, but I don't see that as drawing attention to it, but rather, diversifying the cast.
I think having starlets etc. does assist the story somewhat. To reiterate, if you had superpowers, you'd be famous. Famous people hang out together.
quote:Originally posted by DuplicateMan: Obviously, you and I see very difference things in Ultimates. You see Freedy Prinze Jr as making this dreg "relevant". I see it as a frantic, failed attempt to be "kewl". You apparently like "Hollyword glitz". I absolutely can't stand it! Sorry, but I find absolutely NOTHING good about Ultimates!
Well, you've said that you don't like the references to existing famous people, but that's hardly where the story begins and ends, is it? What else don't you like about it?
The references to famous people is the least of my gripes with Ultimates! I don't like "horny" Hulk! I think Betty Ross and Jan are total bitches, and just the fact that Bruce and Hank are with them shows that they are losers with no self-respect. Ultimately (no pun intended), what it comes down to is that I find nothing "heroic" in these characters! The "real" Marvel heros are flawed, but their heroism still shows. The only real hero I saw in Ultimates was "hard-ass" Cap, who came off as a Batman rip-off!