Originally posted by DuplicateMan:
The references to famous people is the least of my gripes with Ultimates! I don't like "horny" Hulk! I think Betty Ross and Jan are total bitches, and just the fact that Bruce and Hank are with them shows that they are losers with no self-respect. Ultimately (no pun intended), what it comes down to is that I find nothing "heroic" in these characters! The "real" Marvel heros are flawed, but their heroism still shows. The only real hero I saw in Ultimates was "hard-ass" Cap, who came off as a Batman rip-off!

I don't understand why you don't like horny Hulk, but I guess its a matter of personal taste. In Freudian terms, the Hulk was Banner's id - his basest emotions, including sexual emotions. I thought this was a clever spin.

As for the lack of heroism...this is one of the key reasons I liked it. I've met very few actual heroes in real life, but plenty of peole like the Ultimates' Betty Ross, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Hank Pym.... Finding a person entirely motivted by altrusim in real life is actually a difficult exercise. Most people are motivated by greed, self-worth, jealousy or lust, or a combinationof those things and more.

The DCU and the regular Marvel U have more than their fair share of saints, and I'm well and truly over it.