Originally posted by Dave:
Have you seen Dangerous Liasons? Malkovich's character was manipulative, grubby and without any merit (until the end). The character was still astonishingly enjoyable to watch.

What about Rorshcach? A brutal psychotic murderer. Yet his characerisation was fascinating.

Well, I wasn't asking if you found the characterization interesting. I was asking if he bothered you.

The motivations of the above were well explained/described/illustrated, and presented in a thought-provoking manner. I didn't find this to be the case with Pym.

I detest Pym above all the rest
Right, so, he bothers you(in that sense), right?

He's hardly a role model, but the book isn't about role models. Its about a selection of humanity which has superpowers.
I wouldn't use the word "humanity" in any description of this book, for I believe it is far from it.