Originally posted by Dave:
Originally posted by DuplicateMan:
I think it's unlikely that space aliens, if they exist, would come as conquerors. For one thing, with the whole universe to roam, what would a two-bit planet like ours have to offer anyone. I do see two trouble areas. One, they might be interested in studying us, and they might hurt us by accident just as we might step on an ant. Two, they might have a vested interest in keeping us out of space. As long as we lack FTL drive, we're no possible threat to them, but if we develop FTL without controlling our natural savagery we COULD be a major annoyance.

Two bit planets around stable stars in that little strip called a Life Zone, replete with technologically advanced-ish life might be precious commodity.
Not if we're in the way of their planned galactic superhighway.