Originally posted by Marc Campbell:
Originally posted by TheTimeTrust:
As TheTimeTrust is named the agent for the Marvel Comics characters, a collective groan and a shout of "We're screwed! We're SO screwed!" can be heard from the Avengers Mansion, the Fantastic Four building, the Xavier School for Gifted Children, and various other superhero domiciles.

TTT, the members of the Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and Hulk family of characters (including Avenger She-Hulk) would like to inform you that they are invoking their escape clause and seeking representation with my agency.

A full-service agency for commercially exploited Marvel properties, Northwood LLC endeavors to exploit them further.

To wit...

Originally posted by TK-069:
Good one, Dave.

10.5mil for Ultimate Spider-Man

TK-069, my client is singlehandedly keeping Marvel Enterprises in business through these uncertain days, and he is the basis of popular movie and TV franchises. Moreover, my client is determined not to go for less than the overrated Batman. I must assume that the decimal point in your offer was a typo.

Thank you for your interest.

What the fuck! Rob, is this legal?