quote:Originally posted by Animalman: $20 mil for Hal Jordan(who's Spectre book is cancelled, making it unlikely that DC would try that hard to retain him)
$20 mil for Barry Allen(who has been inactive for nearly two decades)
Mr. Jordan accepts your bid, and Mr. Allen is willing to accept your new offer, provided he and his old friend Hal can work together in your universe.
quote:Originally posted by Dave: $20m for Swamp Thing.
The Swamp Thing is interested in your offer, but asks you give the $20M to environmental causes in lieu of payment -- all my client wants is a nice swamp and a promise John Constantine won't bother him in his new home.
quote:Originally posted by Nowhereman: $5,000,000 for Blue Beetle! $5,000,000 fro Guy Gardner!
Booster Gold sais he wanted $10M, but Beetle shut him up and they'll take the offer. Booster wants a personal assistant, though.
quote:Originally posted by Pig Iron: 1) Kara Zor-El Supergirl...40 Million 3) Powergirl...............40 Million
The Earth-1 Superman walks over and drops his cousin's dead body on the ground before you.
SUPERMAN: So, $40 million you say? Gimme!
Powergirl is holding out for $50 million, due to her new spotlight in the successful JSA title, and reminds you that her face is up HERE...