quote:Originally posted by Dave: $105m for Dr Doom instead.
Dave, my client accepts. If I may offer one word of advice: I wouldn't mention the draft to him again under any circumstances. He is "deigning to grace you with his reverred person." For the love of God, please leave it at that.
quote:Originally posted by TK-069: $95,000,000 for Capt. Marvel (DC)
TK, a large man wearing a red suit and a huge grin just flew into my office window. He claims to be "Holy Moley" or "Captain Marvel," one of the two, although he clearly isn't one of the Captain Marvels in my universe of operation. How he got here has something to do with a Rock of Eternity, whatever that may be. None the less, he wants me to represent him.
Let me start by saying that my new client is thrilled by your offer. Perhaps a bit too thrilled, because he says that $95 million is far too much. He will go for $10 million, not a dollar more, to be paid to the charity of your choice. Evidently he suffers from some form of low self esteem.
I must say that this is highly irregular and against my best professional advice, but there it is. The gentleman in question is quite strong. I don't want to risk angering him.
So the offer is $10 million for this Holy Moley person. Please accept and take him off my hands.