Acquisition List
The Legion (Current) [Andromeda, Apparition, Brainiac 5, Koko, Proty, RJ Brande, Chameleon, Cosmic Boy, Dream Girl, Shvaugn Erin, Ferro, Gates, Gear, Inferno (honorary), Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Kid Quantum II, Kinetix, Leviathan II, M’onel, Magno, Lori Morning, Saturn Girl, Sensor, Shakari, Spark, Star Boy, Superboy (honorary), Thunder, Timberwolf, Triad, Ultra Boy, Umbra, Wildfire, XS]
Capt. Marvel
Capt. Thunder
Black Adam
Silver Surfer
Dr. Strange
Dr. Fate
Phantom Stranger
Strange Visitor
The Ancients [Sela, the Whaler, the Anointed One, Rama Khan, Tezumak, Manitou Raven]
Total: $409,000,000

Spotlight Bids

Unattended Bids
Spiderman 2099/Ghost Rider 2099: 500K
*new* Steel (John's niece), Supergirl (Cir-El), Krypto: 6mil
*new* Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl, Spoiler: 35mil