piggie (58 mil left)
scarlet witch (25 mil)
the vision (20 mil)
martian manhunter (30 mil)
kara zor-el supergirl (40 mil)
mary marvel (70 mil)
fantastic four (50 mil)
powergirl (50 mil)
the metal men (2 mil)
warbird / binary / ms marvel (5 mil)
kazar / zabu / shanna, the she-devil (0.5 mil)
deadman, zatanna, dr occult, felix faust.
(10 mil)
absorbing man, titania, enchantress & the executioner. mini masters of evil.(30 mil)
arisia, kilowog and ch'p (20 mil)
intelligent, merged hulk (65 mil)
wasp & hank pym (gm, am, & yellowjacket)(4mil)
grey gargoyle (0.5 mil)
Modern age & silver age lois lane & lana lang (20 mil)

unaddressed bids:
1) to morrow, professor ivo, magenta, dr polaris, count vertigo, captain cold, mirror master, weather wizard, mr freeze, poison ivy, enchantress (june moon), killer frost, shrapnel, chemo, blockbuster and deadshot. (25 mil)
2) Rogue and Colossus (15 mil)
3) Dr Mid-Nite, Hourman , Mr terrific, Star Spangled Kid, & JJ Thunder. (10 mil)