piggie (58 mil left) owns: scarlet witch (25 mil) the vision (20 mil) martian manhunter (30 mil) kara zor-el supergirl (40 mil) mary marvel (70 mil) fantastic four (50 mil) powergirl (50 mil) the metal men (2 mil) warbird / binary / ms marvel (5 mil) kazar / zabu / shanna, the she-devil (0.5 mil) deadman, zatanna, dr occult, felix faust. (10 mil) absorbing man, titania, enchantress & the executioner. mini masters of evil.(30 mil) arisia, kilowog and ch'p (20 mil) intelligent, merged hulk (65 mil) wasp & hank pym (gm, am, & yellowjacket)(4mil) grey gargoyle (0.5 mil) Modern age & silver age lois lane & lana lang (20 mil)
Bids in the spotlight: 1) Rogue and Colossus (15 mil) 2) Dr Mid-Nite, Hourman , Mr terrific, Star Spangled Kid, & JJ Thunder. (10 mil)
unaddressed bids: 1) to morrow, professor ivo, magenta, dr polaris, count vertigo, captain cold, mirror master, weather wizard, Star sapphire, enchantress (june moon), killer frost, shrapnel, chemo, blockbuster and deadshot. (25 mil)