Originally posted by Nowhereman:
nowhereman(!) owns:
blue beetle & booster gold (5 mil)
ghost rider (15 mil)
lobo (25 mil)
guy gardner (5 mil)
punisher (20 mil)
captain britain (10 mil)
warmachine (5 mil)
hawkeye (10 mil)
black knight (dane whitman) (5 mil)
quasar (4 mil)
resurrection man (1 mil)
alpha flight (guardian, vindicator, sasquatch, puck, madison jeffries, shamen, northstar & aurora) (25 mil)

spotlight bids:
sabretooth (25 mil)

new bid:
Black Canary (15 mil)
Captain Atom (10 mil)

Black Canary (15 mil)
Captain Atom (10 mil)

posted by marc:

Nowhereman, Captain Atom jumps at your offer so quickly that he actually blasts himself back 20 years into the past. If you can collect him, you can have him.

Black Canary, frankly, is on the fence. She thinks she's underrated, but neither she nor I can control that. She'd be more willing to take your offer if there was someone on your team to hang out with other than Beetle and Guy. Thank you for your interest.

He's referring to this....PI