Originally posted by Pig Iron:
Aspiring and newbie comic writers should invest in complete runs of who's who in the dc universe and official guide to the marvel universe....both are solid and worthwhile investments..heheh

The sad part is, I do. Or I did. I got rid of both sets during the Great Comic Collection Purge of 2001. I have since gone back and repurchased the OHOTMU original and Deluxe runs, but I ran out of cash for Who's Who. Now that you mention it, I vaguely remember Amazing Grace. Did she look kind of like Morgan Le Fay from Demon?

Originally posted by TK-069:
The Radiant was an energy being created from the life-forces of the Calatonian royal family, in order to defeat and destroy Doomsday. It did die, but returned 245,000 years later and destroyed The Radiant.

Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey mini-series.

I have that series. Yes, it's true, I'm losin' my touch.

Cyborg (Titans) $2 mil
The Thunderbolts (original lineup) $20 mil
Prometheus (JLA villain) $5 mil

Nowhereman, the T-Bolts minus Songbird are yours for $20 mil. Cyborg and Prometheus seem uncharacteristically underbid just slightly. I might remind you that Cyborg is a vet of both the Super Friends and the Cartoon Network's Teen Titans.

Arisa, Boodikka, Katma Tui Stewart and Tomar-Re: 4.5 mil

TK, they accept. Someone watched cartoons this weekend, eh?