Actually, the Nemesis I'm bidding for is the current version in JSA.
OK, TK, this Nemesis accepts at the same price.
One point Marc,no Guardians,no power for the power rings! The power originated from the Guardians dont forget,so without the Guardians the rings are just shiny baubles!
An interesting point, Nowhereman, a very interesting point indeed. Whoever ends up owning the Guardians could conceivably charge a modest one-time licensing fee to the captains who have Green Lanterns in their universes. (I must stress modest and one-time in the spirit of good sportsmanship.) Likewise with the wizard Shazam with regard to the Marvels.
1)Donna Troy and Cassie Wonder Girls (4 mil) 2)The villain in the Iron Man type armor from the Marvel Boy mini-series. (name?)(1 mil) 3)Helena Wayne Huntress (1 mil)
Piggie, all accept. The villain in the Iron Man type armor from Marvel Boy is unknown to me, so I guess that one is yours without going into the spotlight.
Anyone get the feeling we are the only three who give a damn about this game anymore?
I think the captains would be better served by an agent who knew the DC Universe better. When I stole some of TTT's Marvel properties, I never thought it would lead to...this... But I'll do what I can in my own inadequate way until the last dollar has been spent.