Captains. Snarf. Trust the Americans among us had a good Thanksgiving.

Personally I have no problems with captains trading characters. Without further clarification from Rob, I say captains should proceed with trades.

Valkyrie and Aragorn (marvel/defenders) (250 thou)

Mr. Pig, a good bid, and one that is accepted.

nighthawk (defenders version) (1 mil)
squadron supreme (all members) (20 mil)

Mr. Nowhereman, good bids! Nighthawk accepts. Could you clarify which lineup of Squadron Supreme you want? If I were you, I'd go for the version right at the beginning of the Squadron Supreme miniseries, before Nighthawk quit and the rest went public with their IDs. This was the Squad at the height of its power.

Impossible Man: 1 mil
Ultimate George W. Bush/Ultimate Dick Chaney: $3.67

TK, good bids! All good bids this round. Impy accepts. The Ultimate Republicans will do anything whatsoever for any amount of money, no matter how small. They gladly accept. Keep an eye on 'em.