quote:Originally posted by ManofTheAtom: The concept and characters in the JSA date back to the 1940's...
Rarely published constanly for long periods. Most of the stuff from the early days is out of continuity. Hasn't had one book out for 17 years.
quote:Originally posted by ManofTheAtom: Flash dates back to the 1960's,
If you're counting the line of Flashes, it goes back to the 40's. Most of the stories are out of continuity. 80% of the stories in continuity started in 1987, and he hasn't had one comic published each week for 17 years.
quote:Originally posted by ManofTheAtom: as does Hawkman (who dates back to the 40's AND the 60's).
Not published constantly. Don't get me started on the continuity mess with that guy.
quote:Originally posted by ManofTheAtom: The characters may not have been continuously published every month/week for the last 40 years, but they have been part of the DC U for that long in a number of ways, and Johns manages to use each and every single story to tell his own narratives, without ignoring anything while at the same time respecting that Crisis and projects like Hawkworld, the Last Days of the JSA and Zero Hour happened (hell, ZH launched the current JSA series! Just check the last page of the JSA Returns event, which has Hourman getting a vision of the new JSA moments before he died during ZH).
Even then, they're stories aren't anywhere as convulted as Superman's story for the past 17 years. Ask a casual reader about what's been happening with Flash since 1987 and he might give you a pretty accurate answer. Then ask him about Luthor.
quote:Originally posted by ManofTheAtom: Unlike Waid and many other whinners, Johns knows what he's talking about and respects what's come before without whinning about it.
What Johns is doing is a perfectly valid option. Not the only choice.