quote:Originally posted by ManofTheAtom: So are Watchmen and Dark Knight Returns, yet no one calls them 'outdated'.
The story started in those comics isn't continued every week. It stops there (stops for good in Watchmen's case). There aren't any "The Watchmen" or Bat-Man comics nowadays that have to respect what was established in those comics published every week. If that was the case, and they were published in a "character can't age" world like Superman, the story would suffer a lot. It'd degradate, just like Superman has.
quote:Originally posted by ManofTheAtom: Please, tell me what exactly about this story is outdated. Forget all other stories. The '80's' thing can be applied to ALL the reboots done back then. There has to be something that only applies to MoS that would make it outdated and in need of revision, something that justified BR.
The 80's thing, since it applies to so many titles, is not enough because those other stories AREN'T being modernized.
I'm not saying it's outdated, I'm saying it got old, it's a different thing. I don't mean it got old as in "it has aged", I mean in a "dude, it got old" way. Like when you tell a joke 200 times. At some point it gets old. Why did Man of Steel get old before the other origins? Simple. I insist; one addition to the ongoing story each weeks damages the story and the character on the long run. The thing about it being "too 80's" is just something personal. Nothing I expect everyone to feel.