quote:Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk: If they have a great story to tell and they can't do it because of continuity then, yeah, they're right. I mean, what kinda world is this where someone can't tell a good story because it doesn't respect continuity?! There's Elseworlds, but the problem with that is that they don't add anything to the character... unless we integrated, of course, but that's out of the question.
You do realize what you said, right?
"There's Elseworlds, but the problem with that is that they don't add anything to the character... unless we integrated, of course, but that's out of the question."
You do see the hidden meaning in that, right?
Let's translate it:
"There's Elseworlds, but they PROBLEM with that is that they don't add anything to the character... the stories are out of CONTINUITY so they might as well not count."
That's ANOTHER part of the problem. These whinners don't only want to tell THEIR versions of things but they want THEIR versions to be the OFFICIAL one, the one that OTHERS have to use and accept.
Neil Gaiman didn't need continuity OR an Elseworlds label to tell his Superman/Green Lantern story, he just told it, the end...
quote:Actually, it wasn't the first meeting, if you're referring to Legend of the Green Flame. But let's suppose it was.
quote:Ah, but what if it's VITAL to the story that it's the first meeting and not the second or the third? What if you woke up one night with the idea of how Superman's very first encounter with Green Lantern should be like burning in your head and it's absolutely brilliant?
If it's VITAL, very, very, very important for MY story to be the FIRST time that ___ happens and someone already did it before me, what I would do is find an OPENING in that version of the story where MY story might fit.
Maybe it fits one panel after that story ended, maybe it fits between panels, maybe it can predate that story, who knows? The point is that I'd try to find a place for my story to fit, without ONCE whinning because someone else beat me to it...
quote:Heh. That sounds awfully Silver Agey for someone that hates the Silver Age. Just an observation.
quote:I thought it was the quality of the ideas and stories produced, not the way you can fit them in continuity.
Who said those are mutually exclusive?
You just said:
"There's Elseworlds, but the problem with that is that they don't add anything to the character... unless we integrated, of course, but that's out of the question."