quote:Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk: But the 40's are still a "grey area", where it's not set in stone what stories are into continuity or not. Only the ones that have been validated through modern age comics count. And, all things considered, it's still less lenghty and less convulted than Superman's story nowadays.
Two things validate an old story; making a reference to it or not making a reference to it either to validate it or invalidate it. By that standard, most of those stories are still in continuity.
quote:I don't mind the mess, really. Hawkworld completely fucked continuity... but it was a good story, so it was worth it. My point was that, because of the mess, a lot of stories are out of continuity.
Actually you have it the wrong way. Hawkworld, the mini series, came first. It was Hawkworld the monthly comic that screwed continuity up.
quote:Heh, I didn't mean that. I mean ask them to explain you what happened to Luthor Jr.
Lex Luthor got cancer, he cloned a young body of himself and had his brain placed inside it.
Eventually, that body contracted an illness which forced Luthor to sell his soul to a devil to regain his lost youth, and that's how he's been since then, a youtfull man comparable to Superman.
It took me two sentences...
How about you try explaining Waid's Red Skull?
Let's see:
The Red Skull was a bellboy who was selected by Hitler to be his icon for Nazi hatred.
Eventually, while using the Cosmic Cube, the Red Skull died, only to return later in the form of a shadow which eventually reformed into the body of a man with the powers of a God thanks to the same Cosmic Cube which had killed him.
So before you even think about saying that Luthor II is convoluted, please consider that what happened to him is NOTHING compared to what's happened to many, many, many other comic book villains in the same 17 year time period.
Should I bring up Doom 2099?
quote:They gradually started getting more and more convulted starting around 1994. By 1999 they pretty much sucked.