Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
The most that's ever been published is GL, Mosiac, Warrior and GLCQ. If you add all those issues up it's nowhere near Superman.

I said it got close. Batman and GL are the only franchises that get close to Superman... those two and the JL franchise, which has one constant, J'Onn J'Onzz.

Not ignored, avoided. Still there. Bigger problem. It didn't get boring until then? Superman: King of the World.
Like we already agreed, the last year of the Jurgens crew was a bad one. Notice how I say that the problems started FIVE years ago, when Jurgens was still there...

Explained it before. They never deleted MoS, they just avoid it. It's still there. It still limits them. Most importantly, all the stories after MoS are there too. Each one limits them a little further. AND on top of everything they're doing the retro thing which makes things even worse.
MoS is not the problem, wanting to do the retro thing is the problem.

MoS is not limiting in any way, and even if it were then the same would apply to Year One, Emerald Dawn and Perez's WW relaunch, and those aren't being 'updated'.