Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
Right, there are Elseworlds too...

Don't really add anything to the character.
No, that doesn't mean I support endless continuities. I support immediate ones. For example: what was "added" to Superman's personality after the Exile Saga was used like five years later in Superman/Aliens. That was cool. Now, should something that happened 20 years ago (in Superman terms, which means 52 comics every year) be expected to come out now? No, that's sick. You gotta be obsessed with a character to write something like that and a damn nitpicker to catch it.

Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
There are two choices: either it's in continuity or it's not.

Well, that's limited.

Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
If the writer wants to do a story set IN continuity then he has to respect what came before, not whinne about how something that happened 10 years earlier can't let him have it HIS way.

If the writer wants to do a story set IN continuity it's because he wants to respect what came before, not whinne... like you're whining right now.
It happened 10 years earlier and it limits him today. I think that's excessive and unnecessary. What if there isn't a Crisis in 50 years? More and more ideas would become undoable because of old stuff.

Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
These whinners have to accept that they came last, that other people came before them and they can't ignore what they did out of ego, that what they want to do first was already done before.

They shouldn't have to accept anything. These are not real people that are being written, you know. They'll never be anywhere near real, not the way DC handles aging. This is for fun, believe it or not. Imposing limitations like "oooh, that happened Who Gives A Damn #23653 so you can't do it... oooh" is just silly.

Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
Writers like Morrison think that sibilings want to fuck each other in the ass, should he be allowed to tell that kind of stories too?

Comparing breaking continuity to incest? That's extreme. Where did you get that Morrison thing from, anyway?

Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
And if a writer doesn't want his story to be in continuity then it doesn't have to be, he can do whatever the fuck he wants with it, but if the story IS in continuity then he better fucking respect it instead of whine about it...

'He better fucking respect it...' You talk about continuity as if it was more important than the actual stories.

Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
Do you or don't you understand the difference between stories that are in continuity and those that aren't?

If a writer wants his story to be IN continuity then he has to accept and respect that stories that are similar to his idea may have already been told before.

If he wants it to be outside it then that's his problem.

But YOU made it clear, these writers DON'T want stories that are out of continuity because then they 'don't matter'...

So don't fucking tell me that this is about 'quality' when you know perfectly well that this is about ego!

You're the one that said it, not me. There are Elseworlds but they don't count because then the story doesn't matter, that's a fact.

These whinners want their stories to BE in continuity so that people will talk about them for years and years but they refuse to respect what came before if it's in their way.

Quality has NOTHING to do with this, it's ALL about continuity. They want in and are willing to do and say WHATEVER they want to do it.

Assumptions. Silly ones, I should I add. When you say "they" you mean Waid and...?
I talked about the Elseworlds above. If you have any other questions about it, feel free to ask.

Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
Go back to the Silver Age, when stories didn't have respercutions.

Today they do...

Uh, no they don't. They're fantasy. As in not real.
I can't go back to the Silver Age, I was born during Crisis.

Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
I find MoS to be a better story than BR. I would still defend BR if it had come first because there's no reason to create waves now, there's no reason to disrupt the origin when the origin has NOTHING to do with the current problems.

That's just fucked up. Too bad nobody is reading our discussion... everyone should know you just said that.
"There's no reason to disrupt the sacred origin..." Gimme a break...
When did it stop being about how good the stories were? When did continuity become so fucking important? If you had your way, we'd eventually end up having nothing nothing but updates on the fictional character's current situation, with specified time frame and no literary value whatsoever.

Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:

Inside that head, no doubt.

Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
I don't tell my story, I swallow my ego.

Then you're not a writer.

Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
Of course, I have NEVER found a story that would fit your criteria...

The way things are going...