quote:Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk: say there's never another Crisis like event again. Do you think Man of Steel should last forever?
Forever and ever because that's the ORIGIN.
People don't read comics to read ORIGINS (plural), they read tyo read ONE origin and then new adventures.
Just because some writers feel limited to telling the characters origins over and over again doesn't mean it should be like that.
The characters only need ONE origin and then they should move on, tell new stories without altering the past.
Marvel does it all the time. They have a shitty continuity, but they don't play around with the characters origins (remember Chapter One? They tried to screw with an origin and it screwed them back).
The origins shouldn't have to be touched every 'decade' or every half decade, they should be left alone and the only thing the writers should worry about is telling NEW stories instead of re writing the past over and over again.
Plenty of comic books do that (Batman does it, Wonder Woman does it, Green Lantern does it), so it can be done, it's just a matter of wanting todo it.
You may read comics to read the characters origin's over and over and over and over and over and over again, but other people don't.
There's no reason to alter MoS, except to please some whinner writers and old readers who don't like the changes Byrne made.
As for your question about MoS being modernized... nope, not really, but it doesn't have to, there's NOTHING on it that needs to be modernized.
I just gave you an entire list of EVERYTHING that happened on that mini series and you weren't able to pick ONE thing that would need to be modernized, not ONE...