and other popular, all-capital subjects.


why are threads sometimes deleted? well, the main two reasons are that they get offensive and/or they get off topic.

are there other reasons?

sure. another, for example is that i'll sometimes delete threads because they contain spoiler information, in blatant, non-hidden areas.

am i saying i deleted all of the threads where you guys "figured it out?" absolutely not. i don't have future or insider info. i haven't a clue myself, so i'm not able to know if you're right or not!

i deleted a lot of theories in the past few days, and y'cant all be right! [wink]

so, for future reference, if you're going to discuss something that happens in an issue out now (or out soon) that you've seen already, but there's a good chance others haven't, all you have to do is pop some spoiler space in your message.

and, more importantly, DON'T reveal any sorta answer in your subject (which other posters simply can't avoid).

and there y'go.