DC Direct sculptor James Shoop is creating quite a name for himself. The head sculptor of Reign of the Supermen line and craftsman behind First Appearances is set to debut his labors as one of DC Direct's most anticpated action figure commodities: the Justice League of America.


The first assortment of JLA figures will be composed of Superman, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner),Wonder Woman, the Flash, and Aquaman.

Superman bolsters the American flag, symbolizing his tireless crusade for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. His facial expression suggests how fiercely he is willing to defend the civil liberties of his adopted nation.


Once the neophyte of the JLA, Kyle Rayner looks confident in his redesigned costume. Unlike DC Direct's previous Green Lantern figures, Rayner does not seem to include a one size fits all Power Ring accessory.


The upcoming Modern Age Wonder Woman is a vast improvement over DC Direct's previous undertaking. The articulation and attention to detail have been vastly improved. This version is not posed in an awkward, stiff position; rather, this Amazon exudes pride. The attention to seemingly minor details have also been aggrandized. Note the lasso holster and the wrinkles in the boots.


I've been awaiting a comic book styled Modern Age Flash figure for quite some time, and I'm happy to report DC Direct's upcoming Flash nearly exceeds my expectations. The only addition this figure needs is ankle articulation.

The costume ring (shown in the pictures following) accessory is a welcome addition, as it holds nostalgic value for Flash fans such as myself.

Aquaman was displayed mint in package and provided visual representation of a figure in its blister card packaging.



JLA will not be a one wave occurrence for Shoop. According to fellow DC Direct creator Georg Brewer, Shoop will commence work on a second wave of JLA figures to be released within a year of the first assortment. The proposed second wave is comprised of Firestorm, The Atom, Elongated Man, and Adam Strange.


The first wave of JLA figures will be released on October 15; wave two is currently projected for release in the third quarter of 2004.