Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
Veicht didn't say HIS book would rip off Rorscharch, he said that O'Neill's book ripped that character off, who in turn was a rip off of the Question in the first place.

Veicht wants to go back to the original.

The challenge was how can we stay true to the basic character, while still making him over the top, in the same sense that Rorschach was, but without copping to Rorschach in any way, shape or form. Luckily, I came up with an idea that I thought worked and they thought so too.

Without giving too much away, since I don't want to ruin it for everybody, our Question's been at this business of beating up the bad guys and walking the mean streets of Chicago for about ten years and the process appears to have driven him kind of bonkers. He appears to believe that he, and he alone, is in an ongoing dialog with the city itself.

He's very influenced by the original Question, but also very influenced by Rorschach. Was the original Question "bonkers"? Don't think so.