Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
As for why they rebooted, it was because of Crisis.

They either took the chance that Crisis gave them or they were gonna do it anyway, we don't know.

The fact is that, unlike today, MoS had an event that justified it, Birthright doesn't.

Which means absolutely nothing. If DC wanted to, they could manufacture something.

Since most of what I've read of Birthright shows events in Superman's life we've never seen before, it doesn't require one.

But things DID have to be changed, Superman was losing himself as a character and as a concept because of all the idea of the 1960's and 70's.
In your opinion. I happen to disagree.

Superman was no longer the character that Siegel and Shuster created, he was what Mort wanted him to be.

Superman isn't the character that Siegel and Shuster created *now*. He hasn't been in decades. He's what the editors and creative staff decide he is.

What I think is that Berganza fucked up the Superman titles so bad that he needs a hit.

That hit is Birthright, not because of what it does but by who's doing it.

People would have bought it regardless of continuity.

Waid last year said that this was an in continuity story that was going to explore Clark's time before becoming Superman and that Superman wasn't going to appear till the last issue.

Now, after the first issue comes out, he's making up stories about Ultimate Superman.

Either he lied back then or he's lying now, but both comments can't be true.

Or, things changed behind the scenes inbetween the times he spoke. I don't know. Neither do you. Happens all the time in comics. But I don't think you're likely to give him the benefit of the doubt.