Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
No, it isn't.

It would be if Crisis hadn't happened, but it did.

Crisis changed the entire nature of the universe and Superman wasn't the only one whose origin got retold.

Had MoS just happened on a whim and changed everything that came before just because then people would have have hated it more than they do now.

What Byrne bashers forget to consider during their bashing is that Byrne was following up a bigger event, one that can't be ignored.

Waid isn't, he's just changing things on an ego-driven whim.

The revamps in the 80's didn't happen because of Crisis. Crisis happened to make the revamps happen. Do you think DC just said "Wait, we're publishing that series where the whole Universe starts over... Oh, I guess we have to revamp our most iconic characters"?
And do you think Waid doesn't have DC's approval to tell Birthright? He just sorta slipped it hoping they wouldn't notice he's changing the continuity of a major character?

On another topic, just for curiosity... would you still think Man of Steel is a good story (which I do) if it had been told on the same conditions as Birthright?