Choose the correct answer:

a. The Titans fought and defeated a giant robot called Ticklebottom, and the "T" was the antenna on top of the robot's head which the Titans kept as a trophy.

b. Victor Stone's father felt guilty about his son's disfigurement as a direct result of one of his experiments, and so he constructed Titans Tower as a base for Cyborg and his friends. Trigon the Terrible destroyed the original version of the Tower, and it was subsequently rebuilt once Trigon was defeated.

c. The other Mega Letters of the Cosmic Alphabet are scattered throughout the universe (the "S" is on Mars), and allow travel between them along the galactic teleportation route known as the S'same Street.

d. Its actually a penis enlarging pill. A security flaw at a website operated by the purveyors of penis-enlargement pills has provided the world with a depressing answer to the question: Who in their right mind would buy something from a spammer? An order log left exposed at one of Amazing Internet Products' websites revealed that, over a four-week period, some 6,000 people responded to e-mail ads and placed orders for the company's Pinacle herbal
supplement. Read more:
(Source: Wired News)