From the fine folks at Superhero Hype!:

Justin Timberlake Actually Up for Superman?
Thursday, May 15, 2003 9:16 CDT

Stop the press! Where in the world did this come from? 'AirWave' in the UK writes...

Over here in the U.K. this morning on Capital FM (London's top radio station) they were interviewing Justin Timberlake as he's doing some gigs here and he confirmed that he had received a script for the Superman movie but he was not being asked to play Jimmy Olsen but the part of the Man of Steel himself.

I don't know if he was joking or not as he sounded quite serious but he said that he could not say anymore on the matter. What do you think?

We think that that there will be a whole lot of fan reaction on this one.

Anyone care to speak up on this...idea? [AAAHHHH!!!]