Dave The wonder Boy :
I envy YOU! You actually met
Jack Kirby!!!
That is a memory I expect you'll cherish for
as long as you live. Roz sounds like she was a
very special woman. They were quite fortunate
to have been together for all those years.
I did meet Chris Clairmont at a Comic convention
in spring of 1983. I wanted to show him a sample
of my work. I brought a story I'd written and drawn
myself. NOT for future employment, but just for
an overall critique.
He glanced at it, then handed it back to me after
only a minute of looking at it.
" it's not up to professional Standards. ", He told me.
" I know that, " I replied.... " I just wanted you to see it
because you write the X Men and I respect you
because you do a great job! " I told him enthusiastically.
" Thanks. " he said, and walked off.
I didn't like him so much after that, though I read the
X Men for several more years, until fall of 1989. That was
when the book lost it's " One big X family " type feel and
began to take on a new direction that I had difficulty
relating to.
I'd rather have shown that multi part story ( Using heroes
of my own making. ) to Jack Kirby. Now THAT would
have been a great memory!