Originally posted by PJP:
OK So now we know that the Jason Todd pic is real......but is Jason Todd Hush?.....probably not. Here's something I thought about when reading this story today........Jason is an adult now but was a young teen when he was murdered.......The Lazarus Pit restores you back to life but it doesn't make you age.........which means whoever put Jason in the Lazarus Pit did it years ago and has been planning this whole thing since then...I love how Jason is jealous of Tim and calls him the Pretender. [worst.  icon.  ever.]

This twist might have been great had it been in a better story, or as a story of its own. But "Hush" is so bad that I can only chalk Loeb's use of it up to a last-ditch act of shock value to try and prop up a turkey with no legs.

Too bad, because I'd be far more interested in a story where Jason is revived as a tool of Ra's Al Ghul than a boring murder mystery I couldn't get into even if I had an RSVP.