If what I just read on the DCMBs is true, maybe this isn't so bad...

after doing some thinking I just figured something out...


there are more than one bandaged person...if you reread all the issues again, you''ll notice that 3 persons were seen wearing a long brown coat and bandages on their face...

Two Face
Jason Todd

and if you notice something, all 3 of these characters underwent major changes...

croc mutated

two face reverted back to Harvey Dent

Jason Todd lives again...

I'm still thinking what the implication of this is, but I think I can safely say that all these 3 "bandaged" characters are not Hush, rather they are Hush's pawns

Could Hush be Ra Al Ghul who already knows Batman is Bruce Wayne and has used the Lazarus Pits to change these 3 pawns?

or is Hush Tommy Elliot?

The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that Catwoman is the spy Tommy referred to when he and Bruce were kids playing the game.

another vital mystery to solve is who Huntres is referring to in her delusional state. She keeps saying he...but I belive she is referring to two persons, the first he is "Hush"...his money is clean that's why I took it and made a new costume (I'm paraphrasing and I love the explanation for Huntress' new costume...could Huntress be referring to Tommy?)...the second he is obviosuly Batman...I saved his life and put him in the batmobile.

I still have 30 days to go to think this through, I think, I'll reread all the issues again and make some notes. The real Hush will prolly be revealed at the end of 618...and want to figure it out on my own before then.

another theory...
Batman is infected by Hush's fear gas causing him to see Hush as Jaon Todd. at 618, Bats and "Jason" fight. Bats will prevail in the end,and when his mind clears, he'll see that the "Jason Todd" he fought with is not really Jason but really the true identity of Hush.

I just realized now the mastery and genius of Jeph in crafting Hush's myster as well as its overall story and plot. I used to think that Hush was just light on plot and is just an excuse for Jim to draw every Batman character and villain, whetting fan's appetite. I know realized that it still is an excuse for Jim to draw all these characters, LOL, but Jeph has at the same time crafted a masterful mystery that is gradually pulling me in.
great job and kudos Jeph and Jim!