cobra kai 15000+ posts
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quote: Originally posted by Brian A. Ortiz: this guy is the Previews exclusive Batman & Superman 2-pack that's available somewhere online. Essentially, it's a Zipline Batman in a dark blue/gray color scheme. Don't bid on it
ahh... thats the info i was looking for! much thanks, collector!
the picture is misleadingly cool, but i'll gladly shy away from any blue batman. looks like im stickin to the zipline route, only. good to know!
btw, toys r us has (had) them on the east coast, at least. i purchased the foot tall zipline-looking batman, which is very cool (tho pricey with its $25 tag). it is fully poseable, black and gray, and has the cool pouch belt (some of the pouches actually open!)
zipline was there, but was sold out by the time i checked. all of the repaints from that series were there, however (none of which looked good).
the batman / superman two pack (not the previews one) was also there in great supply. the batman looked decent, but was blue and gray. the superman was pretty bad. certainly not worth a purchase.
zipline might be best found on ebay, if you're desperate to get it quick.