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The Batman is an urban myth...not just on the streets of Gotham City, but in the minds of action figure collectors.

For months, Mattel's line of Batman figures have remained as shadowed as the hero who inspired them. Despite utilizing the overly accersorized Batman variants of Hasbro, figures within the line showed promise. Among these figures was Zipline Batman, a long-awaited reponse to fans longing for a comic-accurate Batman figure. According to statements made by Mattel, Zipline Batman was going to be the marquis figure of their first wave, originally slated for a May release. Other supporting characters, such as Robin and the Joker, were also confirmed to be joining him. Two-packs featuring a comic-accurate Nightwing and a Batman based on the artwork of Jim Lee were to follow in July.


Nearly two months later, Mattel's offerings remain cloaked in shadow. Progress on the figures' development has chiefly been kept behind closed doors. Many action figure sites had the first wave's release status as upcoming-that is, in the rare instances my searches were not in vain. Worst of all, Mattel had closed their official Batman minisite. I considered postponing my search until Julius Marx provided a silver lining in the Dark Knight cloud: With the aid of fellow reporter ??? Man, Marx was able to procure a Zipline Batman on the West Coast and post updated photos.


Despite utilizing the same basic sculpt, Zipline Batman appears far darker than the Classic Batman spotlighted in my previous report. The visual presentation of the figure (while still packaged) presents the illusion of a Batman enveloped in shadow, not unlike its comic book counterpart. This characteristic is among those which allow Zipline Batman to command a more striking appearance than its limited edition counterpart (whose colors seem almost flourescent in comparison).


Even when removed from the package and placed under brighter lights, the authority this figure carries is not lost. Seemingly minor details such as Zipline Batman's pouch belt, boot treads and facial scowl lend a foreboding presence appropriate for the character deemed the Dark Knight. As this Batman figure draws many of its characteristics from the comic icon he represents, it will be enough to satiate comic fans and collectors alike for years to come.



Or will it?

Rumors surfaced on DC Direct's message boards (the same area of DC's website Julius Marx announced his findings) of Mattel announcing the case ratios for the overdue first wave of Batman figures. Masters of the Universe collectors had warned their fellow collectors of the company limiting the shipping of desired basic figures such as Prince Adam, He-Man, and Skeletor in favor of releasing copious amounts of variants such as Jungle Attack He-Man. As a result, it was suspected Mattel would do the same with Zipline Batman. Much to my chagrin, Julius Marx later confirmed the rumor as true. Marx's subsequent investigation led him to a Toys R Us and a case which yielded (among other figures) six Hydro Armor and Martial Arts Batman variants (three each), two Zipline Batman figures, one Joker and no Robin figures whatsoever.

Furthermore, there are musings of of what Mattel initially presented as the prototype for Hush Batman would be packaged with Nightwing in the upcoming two-pack. At present, this rumor remains unconfirmed.

In either case, it would appear that Mattel has learned little from Hasbro's folly. Hasbro was not only notorious for limiting the articulation on their figures, but consistently shortpacked the few comic or movie accurate figures they produced. As with all rare, highly sought after figures, expect Zipline Batman's name to appear on a list...the EBay auction list, that is. The price will undoubtedly see a dramatic increase, as pre-orders for Classic Batman are being auctioned off at a starting bid of $159.99. (The suggested retail price for Classic Batman is $20.)

Action figure collectors were quick to express dismay. Many considered abandoning their pursuit of Mattel's comic-accurate Batman figures altogether in favor of a Batman produced by a company known for quality and consistent case ratios. As one collector stated:

No matter how badly MATTEL screws up, we all know that we will eventually get slightly better versions of these figures in the future from DC [Direct].

I know that MATTEL doesn't exist to cater to my specific needs, but you would have thought after all the negative feedback they recieved through the MOTU 'short packing of secondary characters' deal, they would have learned something! Collectors (kids and adults alike) want versions of the toys as they appear in cartoons or in comics. Why in the hell is that so hard to understand!?

Think about it...they jam pack the stores with animated BATMANS from the JUSTICE LEAGUE line with BATS just as he appears in the 'toon...why not do that with these 6" figures!? Where in Crom's name is the logic!?

I'm telling you...there are 5 year old children with more logic and reasoning abilities than these MATTEL big wigs.

In closing...bring on the DCD Modern BATMAN, ROBIN and NIGHTWING.


Unless DC Direct does decide to produce Batman figures, or Mattel adjusts the case ratios, a comic-styled Batman in the possession of the action figure and comic book aficionados who seek them remains a phenomenon yet to be seen.

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that's a cool looking figure

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Indeed it is. It's a shame Mattel isn't making a greater effort to distribute it.

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As a collector of the Master of The Universe figures, if you wait a bit, you'll find any of the figures you want in excess in certain places, as long as you don't go to Toys 'R' Us. Head out to a Walmart or other chain store, and they'll eventually have a shitload of the figures that are so short packed.

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Thanks for the information.

Julius Marx posted pics of Zipline Batman standing next to DC Direct's Silver Age Batman and other pics of Mattel's new figure standing with a handful of Hasbro's many (and by many, I mean over 200) Batman figures. They make for interesting comparisons in the quality and detail of their sculpts.




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After news of the casing distribution spurring disdain among Batman collectors, Mattel is attempting to correct its mistake.

In an article titled Mattel Addresses Batman Woes, revealed Mattel's plans to ship equal case distributions of the previously shortpacked Zipline Batman, Skim Board Extreme Robin,and The Joker(with Joke Gun) to comic book specialty shops.

Read the full article here.

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Personally, I like the DC Direct Batman better. I'll be sure to pick that up.

The Mattel one? If I can even find it, that is....

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Good news about the Zipline Bats. May have to grab that. At this point, I'm only certain of picking up the Bats/Nightwing set when it arrives.

I've got that DCD SA Bats/Robin set, and it's great.

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I saw all three at a comic shop this Friday but passed since I'm not collecting the line.

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this is batman-related so look at it!

luke wilson is a hottie, but PMS asside he would be a great batman!

~ [cool]

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Wilson is a fantastic actor, and could easily pull off the role. Just watch The Royal Tennenbaums and Bottle Rocket for proof.

I still think Christian Bale is almost too perfect for the role.

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You share sentiments echoed by Batman: The Frightening director Chris Nolan. Bale is being considered a front-runner for the role. The petition is sure to garner Luke Wilson rumor mill status, though.

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yo bri

i just got one of the mattel batman figures today. it was the tall guy (he's like a foot and a half tall).

im still looking for zipline batman (unsuccesfully thus far)

a question: is this guy in the two pack zip line batman? or different? cooler? worth bidding on (despite the crappy superman?)

additionally, is the above two-pack the same as this one? (cuz this bluer batman isn't as cool as the above or zipline)

thank y'sir

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Ah, the two-pack tango. Rob, to answer your questions:this guy is the Previews exclusive Batman & Superman 2-pack that's available somewhere online. Essentially, it's a Zipline Batman in a dark blue/gray color scheme. Don't bid on it, don't even buy it from the source. Zipline Batman is cheaper, and paying $25+ for a Batman repaint and a Superman figure doomed to be custom fodder just isn't worth it.

This is the Batman & Superman 2-pack that's being sold in nationwide retail chains (so far I've heard of people finding them in Suncoast, Target, and Toys R Us). Different Batman figure, same story: don't settle for anything other than a Zipline Batman.

As for finding Zipline Batman, it's going to take patience...and several comic book shops. If I recall correctly, Mattel shipped the first case of Batman figures to my shop to be received on the first Wednesday of July. With that in mind, next week may be a good time for you to stop by a comic book store.

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I've had absolutely no luck finding any of these so far.

They may have sold out, but I don't think so, since the places I'm calling (TRU, Suncoast) have no recollection of ever having them. I'm hoping that distribution is just slow.

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Originally posted by Brian A. Ortiz:
this guy is the Previews exclusive Batman & Superman 2-pack that's available somewhere online. Essentially, it's a Zipline Batman in a dark blue/gray color scheme. Don't bid on it

ahh... thats the info i was looking for! much thanks, collector!

the picture is misleadingly cool, but i'll gladly shy away from any blue batman. looks like im stickin to the zipline route, only. good to know!

btw, toys r us has (had) them on the east coast, at least. i purchased the foot tall zipline-looking batman, which is very cool (tho pricey with its $25 tag). it is fully poseable, black and gray, and has the cool pouch belt (some of the pouches actually open!)

zipline was there, but was sold out by the time i checked. all of the repaints from that series were there, however (none of which looked good).

the batman / superman two pack (not the previews one) was also there in great supply. the batman looked decent, but was blue and gray. the superman was pretty bad. certainly not worth a purchase.

zipline might be best found on ebay, if you're desperate to get it quick.

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got the last zipline batman at toys r us today!

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Way to go, chief!

The Bat-figures have finally arrived out my way. Predictably, Zipline Bats doesn't appear to be among them. But the search is underway.

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I just bought a Zipline Batman and The Joker at Suncoast Video. They had two more Jokers and one more Zipline. The rest were all the shitty Flourescent Green Chrome Snow Camo Batman's and so on.

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Still no luck. Nobody I've spoken too (at TRU, KB, Suncoast, or comic shops) knows if they're getting them, or even if they've had them and just sold out.

The funniest one was a guy at TRU. I had to tell him that Mattel had the license now. Afterwards, his response was, "Well, that's nice, but I've invested a lot of time in the Hasbro line, so I think we'll stick with that for the time being."

I am not making this up.

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Y'know, the people who work at these places, that's just it. They work there. It's just a job. They don't know or give a fuck about anything that goes on with their products.

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That's a big part of the problem. Go to any comic book shop and they may very well special order it for you at no extra charge if you really wanted it. A retail chain such as Toys R Us doesn't care how it gets your long as it gets your money.

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Originally posted by Mr. Nobody:
Y'know, the people who work at these places, that's just it. They work there. It's just a job. They don't know or give a fuck about anything that goes on with their products.

Even the ones that do seem to be SOL.

A KB employee I spoke with was rather straightforward about it. She told me they get a shipment every week, and her job is to stock and sell it. They don't tell her what's coming no matter how often she asks.

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I did find a Zipline Bats eventually.

At Wal-Mart, of all places. The last place I really wanted to go. I'd have rather supported a comics store, but most of those in my area were only bothering with the Bats & Supes 2-packs. The plus is that I paid $1.25 less than I would have at TRU.

I also opted for the Bats/Nightwing 2-pack, because I really wanted the Nightwing figure. The Bats figure is a repainted Martial Arts Batman, which isn't a classic but is one of Mattel's better looking variants. I can live with it, and if I can't, I'll pass it on to my nephew.

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I saw a zipline Batman at my comic book store. It was bigger than I thought and way more overpriced. The pics here makes it look like it's a normal sized action figure marketed to the average buyer but it's a huge collector's figurine! And for 44 freakin' dollars!

I'm just a teenager, I can't afford this. So I'm now considering prostitution to earn money for the figure. The Robin and Joker figures look sweet too so my question to you RKMBers is, should I continue whoring myself for those too?

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I think you must have some sorta super ultra limited direct market figure. The one I got was smaller than your average McFarlane or Masters of The Universe figure. Hell, even your average DC Direct figure. And I paid 10 bucks.

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Originally posted by Mr. Nobody:
I think you must have some sorta super ultra limited direct market figure. The one I got was smaller than your average McFarlane or Masters of The Universe figure. Hell, even your average DC Direct figure. And I paid 10 bucks.

The box (Which length is about the width of my monitor) said "zipline Batman". It was by Matell. But it didn't look like no ordinary figure. I also saw a "Batman Superman" 2-pack for about 25 bucks. The figures as you can guess were smaller, regular sized. The Batman in that series looked excactly like zipline Bats except with no accessories. (No grapple, Batarang, line in the utility belt)

So how big was your figure? I'm trying to figure out what I saw.

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there is the standard zipline batman figure, which is about 6" tall, and will cost you in the ballpark of $10.

then, there's the bigger, 12" figure. im not sure if its actually called zipline batman, but its nearly identical to the 6"er. it has belt pouches that actually open and comes with like 5 or 6 weapons. that'll run you $30.

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Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:
there is the standard zipline batman figure, which is about 6" tall, and will cost you in the ballpark of $10.

then, there's the bigger, 12" figure. im not sure if its actually called zipline batman, but its nearly identical to the 6"er. it has belt pouches that actually open and comes with like 5 or 6 weapons. that'll run you $30.

Yeah I must've saw the 12 inch figure. It had pouches that open and a line which you can use in the pouches. The last time I checked it had zipline in the title as well.

I have not seen the 6 inch one though. I'm not really interested in that all that much.

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What he said. My store also has the Superman/Batman 2-pack for about 25 bucks also.

If Superman hadn't looked like ubercrap, I just would have bought that.

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Originally posted by Mr. Nobody:
What he said. My store also has the Superman/Batman 2-pack for about 25 bucks also.

If Superman hadn't looked like ubercrap, I just would have bought that.

I was gonna just get that tiny Batman figure too! But that ugly Superman is bringing the man down and keeping the price up!

I call for a DKR style beating1

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