more. Mattel has released sample figures of the upcoming shared exclusive Batman figure, now being referred to as Classic Batman. According to Mattel, Classic Batman's production will be limited to a total 5000 figures; the total will be split for sale at the San Diego Comic Con in July and Wizard World Chicago in August, respectively. The figure will feature "standard" points of articulation in the neck, shoulder, waist, hips and knees. Accessories will include a Batarang, handcuffs and a grappling hook.

Below are images of the rear window panel of Classic Batman's packaging, as well as a glimpse of the figure mint in package. Note the sticker in the lower right hand corner noting the convention the figure was sold at:


At first glance, Classic Batman only appeared to be classic due to the color and design similarities it shared with Kenner's Super Powers offering. the cape was a bland double-shaded cloth as opposed to the handsome soft vinyl cape of DC Direct's Silver Age Batman.(It should also be noted the triangular gaps between the points of Batman's cape are the way I illustrated his cape until I was six.) In addition, I was somewhat dismayed with Mattel's choice of a lighter blue for Batman's cape and cowl, until I happened upon a picture of the Dark Knight free from its constraints. Perhaps it was the way the blue was offset by the gray background, but for some reason, I began to notice Classic Batman's resemblance to the grizzled, elderly Batman who initially (re-) appeared in The Dark Knight Returns.


In particular, I noted the stern facial expression, the sculpt of the gloves and boots and the size of the insignia on his chest. It was that combination which caused me to associate this Dark Knight with Book One of the miniseries. To be more precise, I am reminded of the scene in which Batman confronts one of Harvey Dent's gunmen in Dent's near-abandoned apartment hideout.

You're going to tell me everything you know, sooner or later.
If it's later--I won't mind.


Despite Mattel's suggested retail price of $20, I reccommend those who will be attending either ComicCon or Wizard World Chicago purchase a Classic Batman figure. Its monetary is outweighed by its undeniable nostalgic appeal.