I used to post on the DCMBs way back in the day. For a while, I was the Internet's most outspoken supporter of Plastic Man (along with my friend, Danny f.k.a. Rypta Gud'n) and then, along with Franta, HERO (formerly JonahsWhale), HourGirl, and Llance, was one of the founding members of TOMB, before we were shipped out to Athanon, where we stayed until those boards were torn asunder (assumedly by the Nature Boyz, which is absurd, as everyone knows that there are no Nature Boyz) and the whole group was deported here. So, I've not posted on the DCMBs in any regular capacity since TOMB's switch to Athanon, so I don't remember many (if any) of you and sincerely doubt that many (if any) of you remember me. But, such is life...