I'm Nonoxynol9, "Punisher of the Sperm World," according to Tequilamokinbird (who hasn't migrated here yet). Once affectionately known as Kid Condom... But I think I managed to shake that one. ;-)
quote:Originally posted by Lor: Roll Call!
I was curious just how many of DCMBer buddies are over here..
So.. where are you all, WHO are you all?
BTW, its me, Lor with the asteric thingy. You know the Kookiness Mistress..
Anywho glad to see some of you. Like KK and Effykins. missed you guys.
I was Wingnut-EL there, I'm Wingnut-EL here, I'm Wingnut-EL everywhere. I see you know longer speak pidgin, that's probably why I didn't recognize you. To make amends, I could teach you some good asstricks. Looks like you got the right hat for it.
Hey, how you been? I hope well. Meza still talk like that just not as often, and my spelling has improved. Wow huh? hehehe.
Glad to see you. :)
Hi r3x, sorry hun I dont remember you.. but its still cool.
yeah I lost my * I'm thinking about ask'n Robby to give it back to me. (he took it ) nah not really, just didnt put it in for some reason when I signed up.
I miss it..
Glad to see you too
Weeellll looks like we gotz a bunch of em over here! yay!
Good to see you too Lor* . I'm good, but miss some of the old crowd from the old DCMB. I assume more of them will drift in here over time. In the meantime, there's lots of cool folks here already. Count yer blessings, right.
Thats good to hear Wing. I'm glad your doing well. Yeah me too, like HWI. He was a hoot and a half, and Crestfallen, NML (le sigh), and RLS, the whole gang. I wish them well. :)
Yeah there are alotta interesting people over here. Just watch yer self, they can get rowdy sometimes
I'm here. Starbatz there, Starbatz here. Been trying to post some on the new DCMB as well, since I go to the website for comic releases and other news.
But is it my imagination, or are the topics starting to go downhill there? I mainly do the Bat forums, and it seems like there's a lot more just really stupid, non-comic threads. There are some serious threads there and some posters who are keeping it interesting in those threads, but man, you really got to look harder for them than you used to!
harleykwin33 over there - when I used to post - haven't been on the DCMB more than 2-3 times pretty much since it started heading in the new board direction -
regular ole harleykwin here, though - I don't think that this board has the comic book thread down either - not enough Bat topics...
I used to post on the DCMBs way back in the day. For a while, I was the Internet's most outspoken supporter of Plastic Man (along with my friend, Danny f.k.a. Rypta Gud'n) and then, along with Franta, HERO (formerly JonahsWhale), HourGirl, and Llance, was one of the founding members of TOMB, before we were shipped out to Athanon, where we stayed until those boards were torn asunder (assumedly by the Nature Boyz, which is absurd, as everyone knows that there are no Nature Boyz) and the whole group was deported here. So, I've not posted on the DCMBs in any regular capacity since TOMB's switch to Athanon, so I don't remember many (if any) of you and sincerely doubt that many (if any) of you remember me. But, such is life...
Yep, Sacman here, Sacman there. Although I've barely posted at the new DCMB's. I decided to come by here long before the 'Crisis'. Hopefully Robbo will let me stay.
I was Dave the Wonder Boy on the old DC boards, and I've been Dave the Wonder Boy here for some time, before CRISIS ON INFINITE DC BOARDS.
Annoyingly, post-CRISIS, I tried to re-register under my same user-name. That wouldn't take, so I tried DaveTheWonderBoy which also wouldn't take, so I entered davethewonderboy which was finally accepted.
One of MANY reasons I haven't visited the new DC boards much.
I've long enjoyed conversing here with Rob Kamphausen, britneyspearsatemyshorts, Llance43, Franta, Dave (a.k.a. Typhoid Dave), Batwomanamy, Pig Iron, and others who have been here a while.
Nice to see Profh0011, and Whomod enter the fray, among others.
Some I hope will join the party:
Dumas (a.k.a. True Thomas) Dragonwing TC Zeroman positronic JackFrost JCricket JackRyder Wayne1776 Aaron Haroldson Jr. John Moores 3 ECM Greene Old Dude ? bizarro braniac zero (although he said he was retiring from posting, well prior to the CRISIS) Linastrick Lady Obie Steven Utley (although at one time, he WAS posting here) Year of the Bastard (also occasionally here) David Edward Martin Hack OP Master I P Securely Michael Alan Schatzie Tobor8 Ace Arn India Ink Ducklord The Anti-Life Equation watsonwil Steve Chung Gilligan! Carlo Blackhawwk Shazamgrrl Koppy McFad
and no doubt many others I apologize for not listing.
I was BATMANPJP over at the old DCMBs I'm PJPForever at the new DCMBs and have posted maybe 4 or 5 times......I probably won't post there anymore it sucks.