quote:Originally posted by Dave the Wonder Boy: I was Dave the Wonder Boy on the old DC boards, and I've been Dave the Wonder Boy here for some time, before CRISIS ON INFINITE DC BOARDS.
Nice to see Profh0011, and Whomod enter the fray, among others.
Some I hope will join the party:
Dumas (a.k.a. True Thomas) Dragonwing TC Zeroman positronic JackFrost JCricket JackRyder Wayne1776 Aaron Haroldson Jr. John Moores 3 ECM Greene Old Dude ? bizarro braniac zero (although he said he was retiring from posting, well prior to the CRISIS) Linastrick Lady Obie Steven Utley (although at one time, he WAS posting here) Year of the Bastard (also occasionally here) David Edward Martin Hack OP Master I P Securely Michael Alan Schatzie Tobor8 Ace Arn India Ink Ducklord The Anti-Life Equation watsonwil Steve Chung Gilligan! Carlo Blackhawwk Shazamgrrl Koppy McFad
and no doubt many others I apologize for not listing.
Hope to see you here soon !
thanks dave. that's nice to hear.
Let's keep the love fest from the old DCMB "Final Post count and goodbyes" thread going.
I also want to see more old dCMB'ers.
I myself try to post over there but that system from it's slow load ups, it's innacurate refresh stats, the annoying way you have to sift thru every last page of a thread to get to the most current posts makes going there a drag.Still the Superman boards are interesting as everyone there shares a common contempt of the Superman books as they currently stand.
Discontent and calls for radical change are my bag, baby!
Hiya, Whomod.
(Whomod was the "Silver Age Destroyah" over on the old DC messageboards.)