Originally posted by Dave:
Something tells me you hate the Green Lantern Corps, then.

If the Green Lantern Corps were made up of alternates of Hal from all over the multiverse I would, but since it's a team of alien cops, each of them individuals with nothing in commun other than their uniform and their oath to keep galactic peace I see no reason to compare the GLC with... this.

The Green Lantern Corps has nothing that can be compared to the Supremacy, while the Supremacy is just a rip off of one of Moore's old ideas, the Captain Britain Corps.

But I opened this topic to show Supreme's fans that, apparently, Platinum Studios and Awesome are getting together to market the character, most probably as a movie or something.

I'm just adding my comments on how Supreme went from being a cool character to just a rip off of Superman and Captain Britain, which is hilarious.

Do clarify one thing for me since I'm very curious.

What's the difference between Suprema and Lady Supreme?

Are they opposites like Supergirl and Power Girl or two different women from the same reality?

And is Kid Supreme Supreme when he was a boy or more like Kon-El?