By your definition of ripoff almost every character is a ripoff. There are about 3 or 4 archetype characters...Superman, batman, sandman, hourman, zatara and robin and maybe plastic man... All other characters are derivations and semi copies of the same archetype. Arguements could be made that even those characters borrowed ideas and visuals from movies, newspaper strips and pulps that came before them... Many of hollywoods movies and serials certainly inspired those earlier mentioned characters... Batman's origins were definitely inspired by 30s horror an dcrime movies, davinci and pulps as many of those elements were stolen and ripped off by your definition..
And supreme was just as inspired by captain marvel as by superman because many of the elements used are more attributable to CM than to superman..of course captain more is surely a mere ripoff of superman... because he's..superstrong...
If you research the pulps sci-fi mags and nespapers a line of inspiration can be found for all those early characters...
Actually Captain America, Human Torch and sub mariner might be archetype charcters too...
There are no more original ideas..just original ways of telling the same or similar story...