Are your lips surgicaly attached to Moore's ass or glued?

How can you be this stupid, really? You see that the writer is stealing someone elses idea and can't bring yourself to accept it, so you make excuses for it.

You should have been Liefeld's lawyer, as well as that Russian writer's, they could have used your fanboyish definition of stealing.

'But your honor, they are homages, not rip offs. They tell the same story but the characters look different and have different names, that makes all the difference.'

Pathetic, blind devotion.

Moore STOLE old SILVER AGE plots for his Superman rip off, but you're too fucking stupid to see it.

Changing how a character looks and what his name is but using the SAME concepts and the SAME plots is EXACTLY what a rip off is.

Calling it a HOMAGE is EXACTLY what people that STEAL someone elses ideas USE to protect themselves.

And you're too blinded to see the truth because you LIKE what you're reading, so accepting that it's STOLEN is not in your best interest.

YOU are a slave to the credit box and don't have enough of a brain to come up with an original opinion.