quote:Originally posted by ManofTheAtom: How can you be this stupid, really? You see that the writer is stealing someone elses idea and can't bring yourself to accept it, so you make excuses for it.
Isn’t this exactly what every writer of Superman has done since Siegel quit writing the books?
Isn't this what Byrne did? Isn't that what Jugens does? Aren’t they just stealing someone elses idea? They didn't invent the character.
They have been paying homage to the Superman of the past. You're just too fucking stupid to look at the big picture.
If you had actually read The Story of the Year I would give you at least some credit, but you haven't and won't which is fine.
I have yet to meet ANYONE who levels anything even remotely resembling the criticism that you level at the book OR the reasoning that you bring to your "argument".
And now you actually resort to arguing semantics and dictionary definitions...
At least the people who didn't care for the book had one valid reason you don’t...
Namely, they FUCKING READ IT... but you haven't and won't which is fine.
Which begs 2 questions;
Can ANYONE really be as fucking thick and ignorant as it seems you are from your mindless ranting AND;
Why are you here?
You haven't read the fucking book and you can't make any logical arguments about it. Everything you seemingly argue about or hate is based on a few pictures that actually don’t play into the book but in a very minor way or not at all.
The parts you think you know and dislike are contained in 8 or 9 pages of a book that has hundreds of pages. They don't re-appear in regular recurring roles like Bibbo, or Scorn. They aren't really so much a part of this Supremes past but a part of the COLLECTIVE pasts of the character.
Something obviously much too complicated for you.
The story is the story of a MODERN Super-hero, NOT a Silver-Age Superhero.
Except UNLIKE virtually all the heroes in the current DCU Supreme can actually use his past experiences and experiences of his predecessors to help him with current problems.
Unlike the current version of Stupidman.
Say what you want now. I will waste no more of my day speaking with a complete and unremorseful idiot.