Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
Originally posted by Disco Steve:
Galaxy Quest. Not a rip-off, but a homage. There's a difference. You stupid child.

If the crew of Protector had been a black woman, an alien with pointed ears, a captain with a hairpiece, a Russian chief of security and an Asian pilot then it be a rip off.

Supreme rips of the following:

Farmer parents

Red headed girlfriend

Can be killed by a piece of colored rocks.

Bald bad guy

Was a teen super hero

Has relatives that are just like him.

Has a super dog.

There are more comparisons between Supreme and the SA Superman than between Galaxy Quest and Star Trek.

Ok, so it's not exact. But there's still a Kirk-like Captain, a token woman, a token alien, and so on. And they fly a spaceship. They have lots of nerdy pathetic fans. The actors barely work in the movie and seem to just attend conventions. Sounds a lot like Star Trek to me. But that is because it is a homage.

Same with Supreme. He doesn't have black hair. His costume is red and white-silver. Obviously the numerous Supremes (to the point of Baboon Supreme and Parapelegic Supreme) is an exaggeration.

By redhead, are you referring to Lana Lang? Because Lois is considered the girlfriend, and she switches between brown and black hair.

Spider-Man was a teen hero. So was Wally West Flash. Nightwing. Therefore, they're rip-offs.

You yourself are a rip-off. Because there were stupid people that existed before you were born. Some of them had pipedreams comparable to starting a big comic publishing company from scratch.