Originally posted by Disco Steve:
Ok, so it's not exact. But there's still a Kirk-like Captain, a token woman, a token alien, and so on. And they fly a spaceship. They have lots of nerdy pathetic fans. The actors barely work in the movie and seem to just attend conventions. Sounds a lot like Star Trek to me. But that is because it is a homage.

Exactly. GQ is a homage of ST because it's only similar.

Supreme is the same as the SA Superman, that's what makes it a rip off.

Originally posted by Disco Steve:
Same with Supreme. He doesn't have black hair. His costume is red and white-silver. Obviously the numerous Supremes (to the point of Baboon Supreme and Parapelegic Supreme) is an exaggeration.

So by changing his apperance but telling the same stories all Moore managed to do was avoid being sued the same way DC sued Fawcett, it's still a rip off.

All DC had to base its lawsuit on was that Captain Marvel looked like Superman, and even though the two characters stories and origins are completely different DC still won based on apperance alone.

Moore retold the same old SA stories, surrounding Supreme with copies of the same characters and elements that Superman met during his existance.

Originally posted by Disco Steve:
By redhead, are you referring to Lana Lang? Because Lois is considered the girlfriend, and she switches between brown and black hair.

I'm refering to Lana and that redheaded girl on the cover of that issue of Supreme I showed you.

Originally posted by Disco Steve:
Spider-Man was a teen hero. So was Wally West Flash. Nightwing. Therefore, they're rip-offs.

No, they'd be rip offs if they all lived with their sick aunt and they all got their powers from the bite of a spider and fought goblins.

When it comes to characteristics Supreme is a carbon copy of the SA Superman even if they don't look the same.

According to your above screwed up logic (and you were doing so good) there can only be ONE teen super hero, which is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard.

Supreme having a redheaded teen gf, having been Kid Supreme, being vulnerable to something as stupid as 'Supremimum' is just ripping off Lana, Superboy and Kryptonite.