Yeah, they are called the All Star Comics Archives..there are 8 of them so far... they reprint from all star 3 up...
Then there are individual JSA member archives that reprint the advs of individual JSAers from their own books like more fun, flash comics,adventure, sensation, etc.. Green Lantern, flash, spectre, black canary and starman so far.

I think the CM jr stuff will probably be reprinted w/ the mary marvel, uncle, tawny stuff and just thrown into a shazam family type book or adventures of shazam... mostly because there are fans of all characters, the raboy art will be expensive to repro, and the copyright issue will be a bear to deal with for titles...
There is no doubt that there will be some duplication for reprinted stories though...since shazam reprints whiz and captain marvel adventures that still leaves master, mary marvel, marvel family and captain marvel jr titles to reprint w/ a few more odd appearances i can't recall...
There is no doubt that the Marvel family will cause some headaches for the collected editions staff..