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I used to love the DCMB's. I used to love posting topics and opinions with all posters regardless of political affiliation. Then something happened.......Liberals/Canadians/Europeans or LCE for short started using the Boards as their own personal soapbox. It got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore and fought myself a warning from Rob too but it was worth it. Now to get to the point. At Rob's Boards you don't see or hear to much from LCE. If they do post they usually get chased out of town by some level-headed thinkers or the Nature Boyz (not that there is such a thing). My problem is not with the USA Liberals as much as the Canadians and Europeans. These Jackasses think they know what it's like to be American??? We spent the past 60 years keeping them free and safe and building up their fragile they don't need us? Fine stay over there we'll stay over here.......we'll also keep our billions of dollars in aid we support all those countries with. And the next time they need NATO to help with a military problem we should tell them we're busy. Alot of young American Democrats are misguided and don't know any better.......but these Europeans and Canadians can go scratch.

Am I the only one that noticed the Liberal Bias at the Boards or is it my imagination?

Sorry for the rant........I've been wanting to get that off my chest since 911.

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hey not all us Canadians are bad

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Your evil. I like that. [mwah hwah haa]

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Originally posted by winged creature:
hey not all us Canadians are bad

I know that Winged Creature....I'm sorry that I've kind of lumped you all together. I don't mean all Canadians and Europeans are bad either......I was specifically refering to DCMB's posters. I have family in Greece that is very much Pro-American and Pro-Bush.....they know where their bread is buttered. [izzat so?]

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I understand what you mean. Don't get wrong, I love an intelligent political debate. I'm sure not all liberal posters do anything to antagonize everyone else. But sometimes you see petty political signatures and it just seems so immature. I tried to keep my signature in good taste and to see someone else not doing the same is hurtful.

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Sunshine, I'm an Australian. People here think I'm a liberal. I don't give a rat's arse for American neo-conservatism, nor do I give a rat's arse about your claim that anyone owes your country a debt. You think anyone owes you anything, you can try and get it back.

Now, as an Australian, I'm particularly fond of our American cousins (we didn't have a War of Independence, but otherwise we're not all that much different), but I do think some of them are a bit self-centred. Australians fought and died in Europe too, in WW1 (we lost more people per capita than anyone in France) and WW2. Does that mean I think Europeans should agree with my country's policies on everything? Horseshit they should. Russia lost more people than anyone saving Europe in WW2. But of course, Germany and France have been agreeing with Russia recently. I figure by your logic they're repaying their debt to Stalin.

If you think any country should be toeing the Bush line, you can go and try to annex them to your union. Failing that, you'll just have to put up with the concept of sovereignty (the same thing which allows your country to withdraw from the Kyoto treaty and not join the International Criminal Court - as if your people are above international justice).

The DCMBs have a mix of people. Dave the Wonder Boy and Watsonwil are good examples of conservatives whose opinions I respect, because at least they have given them some thought, and respect my opinion for the same reasons.

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I never had anything remotely political in my sig until a few months before the war when I had all these LCE posters start posting on non-political threads and ending their posts with " Down with the Bush War" or "America is a Country of Terrorists" or get my drift.

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Originally posted by Dave:
Sunshine, I'm an Australian. People here think I'm a liberal. I don't give a rat's arse for American neo-conservatism, nor do I give a rat's arse about your claim that anyone owes your country a debt. You think anyone owes you anything, you can try and get it back.

Now, as an Australian, I'm particularly fond of our American cousins (we didn't have a War of Independence, but otherwise we're not all that much different), but I do think some of them are a bit self-centred. Australians fought and died in Europe too, in WW1 (we lost more people per capita than anyone in France) and WW2. Does that mean I think Europeans should agree with my country's policies on everything? Horseshit they should. Russia lost more people than anyone saving Europe in WW2. But of course, Germany and France have been agreeing with Russia recently. I figure by your logic they're repaying their debt to Stalin.

If you think any country should be toeing the Bush line, you can go and try to annex them to your union. Failing that, you'll just have to put up with the concept of sovereignty (the same thing which allows your country to withdraw from the Kyoto treaty and not join the International Criminal Court - as if your people are above international justice).

The DCMBs have a mix of people. Dave the Wonder Boy and Watsonwil are good examples of conservatives whose opinions I respect, because at least they have given them some thought, and respect my opinion for the same reasons.

Dave you make alot of good points and I respect your opinion 100%. Countries shouldn't blindly follow us and I have nothing against Germany or Russia. France went out of their way to make our life miserable so they are on my shit list.

But I don't mind LCE posters posting in a place like this. My point is I had a problem with them posting in the DCMB's when we were supposed to be talking about Batman and comics. Over there I felt like I was getting sucker punched.

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Rob generally kept an eye on things. When stuff got out of control, it got deleted.

Contrary to your experience, I have had some very polite and informed conversations on the DCMBs.

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Originally posted by Dave:
Rob generally kept an eye on things. When stuff got out of control, it got deleted.

Contrary to your experience, I have had some very polite and informed conversations on the DCMBs.

I don't doubt that and I did at times as well.......but the point is the conversations should never have been taking place at the DCMB's. Rob did a very good job of deleting Liberal bullshit yes.....but he shouldn't have been burdened with that either.

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Originally posted by Ultimate Jaburg53:
Your evil. I like that. [mwah hwah haa]

This is just for starters J. [AAAHHHH!!!] [mwah hwah haa]

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Originally posted by PJP:
These Jackasses think they know what it's like to be American??? We spent the past 60 years keeping them free and safe and building up their fragile democracies.......

Then I guess it's OK for Latinamericans to criticise the US now, because past US administrations have ruined democracies over here...

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Everyone in Polokistan hates us.

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So do all the Genoshans.

Oh, nevermind.

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Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Originally posted by PJP:
These Jackasses think they know what it's like to be American??? We spent the past 60 years keeping them free and safe and building up their fragile democracies.......

Then I guess it's OK for Latinamericans to criticise the US now, because past US administrations have ruined democracies over here...
Allende doesn't count, Mxy - he was a Red! You were being protected from the Domino Effect!

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You sound like someone's neurotic mother:

"How can you argue with me after all I've done for you?"

And, like the neurotic mother, you haven't done as much as you think, and most of what you have done (a lot of it good) you've done for your own purposes.

I like America. It's still the greatest country in the world. But do try to control the whining.

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Well now, what do you consider Liberal?

If Bush is considered conservative, then I guess I would be considered Liberal.

I mean, Bush is an idiot, and most of the policies that he and his administration ascribe to are rather foolish.

However, I guess I'd be middle of the road, otherwise.

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I seem to remember quite a few Conservatively slanted threads from the DCMB. Looks like neither side is completely innocent, huh?

So the question is, are you against people using the DCMB for politics period, or just politics you don't agree with?

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Originally posted by First National Bastard:
Well now, what do you consider Liberal?

If Bush is considered conservative, then I guess I would be considered Liberal.

I mean, Bush is an idiot, and most of the policies that he and his administration ascribe to are rather foolish.

However, I guess I'd be middle of the road, otherwise.

No I'm middle-of-the-road also......I'm fiscally conservative, socially liberal....and ever since a young lad wanted a very very strong National Defense......But I'm very much Pro-Choice and 100% for Affirmative many Conservatives do you know like that?

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Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Then I guess it's OK for Latinamericans to criticise the US now, because past US administrations have ruined democracies over here... [/QB]

If they choose to do so in the proper forum sure........I would definitely say they have a beter argument than Canadians or Europeans.......Ironically enough even though Latin America did get the shaft from past US Administrations (many of them Democrats) most Latin American countries supported the US and the War of Iraqi Liberation.

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Originally posted by Darknight613:
I seem to remember quite a few Conservatively slanted threads from the DCMB. Looks like neither side is completely innocent, huh?

So the question is, are you against people using the DCMB for politics period, or just politics you don't agree with?

If that was the case then I'm sure it was one or two out of thousands. Most conservatives or people even slightly right of the spectrum aren't as vocal about their agendas.

I used to get a kick out of the Peace Rallies. About 70 -75% of the country was for the war......but you used to see large numbers at these Peace Rallies (the most at one time was a little over 100 thousand at NYC) Losers. You didn't see normal people with jobs and responsibilities at these things. The Pro-war rallies used to getat the most 40-50 thousand and thats pushing it. The only reason these poor people had to go out and do this was for all the losers with no jobs/life going out against the war.

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STOP.....Stop right now and pause for a second. If any of you left leaning American posters took a second to read my first post you probably wouldn't have much to say. What is it? Is it that you saw the word Liberal in the tile of the thread got all hot and bothered and just had to reply. My problem isn't really with's with the troublemakers of the DCMB who in general were Canadian or European.

People are allowed to disagree and it's what makes this country great.......checks and balances.....The Democrats keep fighting the good fight Socially (Abortion and Affirmative Action) and the Republicans keep fighting to make sure this counrty doesn't become a socialistic/communistic Zombie Nation which I think some of the Ultra-Liberals really want. If either side totally got their way there would be problems.....Big Problems. [eh?]

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To make that clear right to start with I am pro American but anti Shrub.
We got that straight now. Fact is not europe removed from the USA. It was exactly the other way around. It was " you are with us or yuo are against us".
That didnt just mean the war on terrorism. the USA`s neo liberals under such retards like Horrowitz started an entire new way of foreign politics. And the support the USA got from 911 was made into a tool to force other nations to blindly follow this route aswell.
I dont like france. I think they are retarded hypocrits (Just HOW many wars have they started and keep them going?). But speaking for Germany here all I can say is that 50% of the people heer have first hand knowledge of what war means. The rest of us grew up in a nation that is sick of war. We dont want to take part of them and more than anything else we refuse to start them!
The war on Iraq wasnt a fight against terrorism. Annyone who is into the details is aware that Bin Laden and Saddam are not only no alllies but in fact sworn enemies.
All Germany did was to try to have the USA TRY a different path. We where aware it would be tough but then that retard in the Pentagon started to compare Germany to Algeria and Cuba and other nations like that. Yeah I would be amazed if we had been mentioned on the Axis of Evil next. dont forget you are "with us or against us".
This position wich didnt seeme to be anything you could even remotely negotiate made it hard for anyone to keep a cool head.
This is the point where some minor anti amerkanism started. And it was easy to keep that going. The track record of the Bush goverment reads like a Nightmare on Elmstreet script.
threatign with an goddamn invasion in Holland if an US soldier should ever be set on trial for crimes of war.
Refusing to follow the set of rules (Signed by _US president Clinton) that where made to reduce CO2 emmisions.
Not signing the contract with should protect the rights of children world wide.
Basicly rendering the UN useless.
But "You are with us or against us".
Well its not posible to be with you. So following the words of your goverment we are per definition against you.
So be it.

And we owe you? Funny. I thought the cold war was an strategic partnership rather then anything else.

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That said. I got my account suspended for EXACTLY this kind of debatte.

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You realize this is the Comic Book Forum? [izzat so?] There are other forums more suited to this topic. Deep Thoughts/Issues/Events springs to mind.

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apparently, people just like politics n'shit with their comics.

i just think its funny how every person always thinks i'm letting the other guy get away with stuff.

lil death protested that i let the conservatives speak their mind and no one else. wonder dave and pjp felt i let the liberals go on and on. gay haters arfe pissed cuz i let some wonder woman conversations carry on too long. gay people feel i delete the gay posts too quickly.

everyone being pissed off is really the best indicator that i'm doing a good, or at least balanced, job.

however, everyone posting about anything political on the dcmbs is simply confusing.

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Originally posted by PJP:
If they choose to do so in the proper forum sure........I would definitely say they have a beter argument than Canadians or Europeans.......Ironically enough even though Latin America did get the shaft from past US Administrations (many of them Democrats) most Latin American countries supported the US and the War of Iraqi Liberation.

Most Latin American GOVERMENTS, not countries.

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Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:
apparently, people just like politics n'shit with their comics.

i just think its funny how every person always thinks i'm letting the other guy get away with stuff.

lil death protested that i let the conservatives speak their mind and no one else. wonder dave and pjp felt i let the liberals go on and on. gay haters arfe pissed cuz i let some wonder woman conversations carry on too long. gay people feel i delete the gay posts too quickly.

everyone being pissed off is really the best indicator that i'm doing a good, or at least balanced, job.

however, everyone posting about anything political on the dcmbs is simply confusing.

You know a few months ago I didn't know any better....I thought you were being unfair.....I Was Wrong......very wrong. You have always been very fair and I thank you for that. And Yes the whole point of this thread was.....Why post anything political on the DCMBs???"

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the War of Iraqi Liberation.
You have to be joking using that term. American pundits weren't interested in liberating the Iraqis (a benevolent side-effect, and the only reaosn I supported the war) - they were more interested in disarming Iraq...big problem with that, of course, is that Iraq didn't have any WMDs.

Roberto, maybe we should move this to Deep Thoughts?

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Dave is wise.

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Supposedly posted by PJP:
STOP.....Stop right now and pause for a second. If any of you left leaning American posters took a second to read my first post you probably wouldn't have much to say. What is it? Is it that you saw the word Liberal in the tile of the thread got all hot and bothered and just had to reply. My problem isn't really with's with the troublemakers of the DCMB who in general were Canadian or European.

Heh. I love how you lump all of us together in one big stewpot. Like a hive-mind or something... [yuh huh] Maybe you ought to go after people for the language they speak or the breakfast cereal they prefer next...

The world is made up of individuals, m'lad. Last time I checked, anyway.

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Originally posted by PJP:
Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:
apparently, people just like politics n'shit with their comics.

i just think its funny how every person always thinks i'm letting the other guy get away with stuff.

lil death protested that i let the conservatives speak their mind and no one else. wonder dave and pjp felt i let the liberals go on and on. gay haters arfe pissed cuz i let some wonder woman conversations carry on too long. gay people feel i delete the gay posts too quickly.

everyone being pissed off is really the best indicator that i'm doing a good, or at least balanced, job.

however, everyone posting about anything political on the dcmbs is simply confusing.

You know a few months ago I didn't know any better....I thought you were being unfair.....I Was Wrong......very wrong. You have always been very fair and I thank you for that. And Yes the whole point of this thread was.....Why post anything political on the DCMBs???"
Because talking about which superhero would be good in bed gets dull.

With a bunch of fairly articulate, and intelligent people get together, sometimes you can expect articulate and intelligent conversation.

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Originally posted by Dave:
With a bunch of fairly articulate, and intelligent people get together, sometimes you can expect articulate and intelligent conversation. [/QB]

What if it's in a forum that's not supposed to have any political debate? What if the discussions make certain posters on either side of the spectrum uncomfortable? These boards are different.......over at the DCMBs though you're not supposed to talk about politics.

That's all I'm saying. Many times I felt uncomfortable there because people like you had to shoot your mouth off...."Bush is this ...Bush is that". FUCK YOU. I like G.W. Bush ....I like having a strong military and using it......and when I'm talking about Batman I don't feel like having some douchebag from a foreign country talk badly about my Prsident or my Country.

You know I've been to every country in Europe countless times. Ever since I was a young boy my parents taught me to respect their rules, customs and beliefs while I was there.....and I always did. I never spoke badly about their Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings......whatever. All I'm saying is that it doesn't go both ways. Europeans and in the rare cases Australians(Dave) have big fucking mouths and don't know when to shut them. [...rassamnfrackin...]

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Originally posted by thedoctor:
You realize this is the Comic Book Forum? [izzat so?] There are other forums more suited to this topic. Deep Thoughts/Issues/Events springs to mind.

If you think this is turning into a Deep Thoughts category topic (which it isn't) I'm sorry. The whole point of this thread was to say that 99% of the time Politics and Anti-American rants and raves were introduced at the DCMBs it was done by Liberals/Canadians/Europeans.....that's all. They rarely could let a thread go by without saying some cocksucker remark. So since we're dealing with a comics message board I figured this category would do just fine. [izzat so?]

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Originally posted by PJP:
I never spoke badly about their Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings......whatever. All I'm saying is that it doesn't go both ways. Europeans and in the rare cases Australians(Dave) have big fucking mouths and don't know when to shut them. [...rassamnfrackin...]

What a bunch of crap. When a number of European countries decided they didn't agree with the way the US wanted to handle the Iraqi situation they were villainized and put on the same page as various dictatorships around the world. That doesn't really strike me as respecting their opinions and with those kinds of assaults is it any wonder they responded in kind?

Who started the namecalling? Frankly I don't think there is a simple answer to that question as a lot of things were happening at the time and a lot of things were said both on and off-camera so we can't really know for sure what set it all in motion and even if we could it doesn't really matter as both sides were as guilty as the other.

You say that Europeans don't know when to shut their big fucking mouths. Well, the exact same can be said for Americans. I mean was it the liberals/Canadians or Europeans that started this thread that had no other purpose than badmouthing a very large group of people with little respect for they opinions?

You say you haven't spoken badly about any European Presidents, Prime Ministers and/or Kings and that might very well be the case but over the last few months I've seen as many people badmouthing the French President as I've seen people badmouth Bush. If you ask me they probably both had it coming but that's kinda beside the point [cool]

Furthermore, how often do you hear Americans speak positively of Europeans? Not a lot do you? I certainly don't. Does that mean I think every American hates Europeans and everything they stand for? Absolutely not but it is a known fact that the differences between the two is much more likely to get airtime than the similarities. A lot of Europeans have a lot of respect of the United States even if there are some things they don't agree with. Do you hear about that very often? No, because that is not really very interesting tv is it?

And from my own experiences on the DCMB there were lots of threads that didn't degenerate into political discussions at all even if both pro- and anti-"whatever" posters had something about their viewpoint in their sigs. Sure there were threads that essentially were nothing but badmouthing of each other but why not just stay the hell out of those as you yourself state that that kind of discussion shouldn't be part of the DCMB's.


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Originally posted by Tenzel Kim:
Originally posted by PJP:
I never spoke badly about their Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings......whatever. All I'm saying is that it doesn't go both ways. Europeans and in the rare cases Australians(Dave) have big fucking mouths and don't know when to shut them. [...rassamnfrackin...]

What a bunch of crap. When a number of European countries decided they didn't agree with the way the US wanted to handle the Iraqi situation they were villainized and put on the same page as various dictatorships around the world. That doesn't really strike me as respecting their opinions and with those kinds of assaults is it any wonder they responded in kind?

Who started the namecalling? Frankly I don't think there is a simple answer to that question as a lot of things were happening at the time and a lot of things were said both on and off-camera so we can't really know for sure what set it all in motion and even if we could it doesn't really matter as both sides were as guilty as the other.

You say that Europeans don't know when to shut their big fucking mouths. Well, the exact same can be said for Americans. I mean was it the liberals/Canadians or Europeans that started this thread that had no other purpose than badmouthing a very large group of people with little respect for they opinions?

You say you haven't spoken badly about any European Presidents, Prime Ministers and/or Kings and that might very well be the case but over the last few months I've seen as many people badmouthing the French President as I've seen people badmouth Bush. If you ask me they probably both had it coming but that's kinda beside the point [cool]

Furthermore, how often do you hear Americans speak positively of Europeans? Not a lot do you? I certainly don't. Does that mean I think every American hates Europeans and everything they stand for? Absolutely not but it is a known fact that the differences between the two is much more likely to get airtime than the similarities. A lot of Europeans have a lot of respect of the United States even if there are some things they don't agree with. Do you hear about that very often? No, because that is not really very interesting tv is it?

And from my own experiences on the DCMB there were lots of threads that didn't degenerate into political discussions at all even if both pro- and anti-"whatever" posters had something about their viewpoint in their sigs. Sure there were threads that essentially were nothing but badmouthing of each other but why not just stay the hell out of those as you yourself state that that kind of discussion shouldn't be part of the DCMB's.


I respect your opinion. Just to clarify I badmouth European Leaders all the time.......I just don't do it when I'm visiting over there. They have their viewpoints I have mine.....when I'm a guest in a foreign land I try to respect their turf and their opinions. I wouldn't want to be viewed as an Ugly American.

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Originally posted by PJP:
Just to clarify I badmouth European Leaders all the time.......I just don't do it when I'm visiting over there. They have their viewpoints I have mine.....when I'm a guest in a foreign land I try to respect their turf and their opinions. I wouldn't want to be viewed as an Ugly American.

Well, as the DCMB is pretty much everybody's turn (or at least DC comic fans' turf) it shouldn't bother you that both European and American leaders were badmouthed there either. It's not like the European comic collectors are on your turf when visiting the DC boards. Of course you could argue that we are all on DC's turf but as that is probably compareable to neutral ground so either both parties should shut up or respect that opinions might be voiced that are far from their own.


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I agree, Tenz. You don't like it, keep away. There is no obligation upon you to have to "suffer" through a thread.

Originally posted by PJP:
Originally posted by thedoctor:
You realize this is the Comic Book Forum? [izzat so?] There are other forums more suited to this topic. Deep Thoughts/Issues/Events springs to mind.

If you think this is turning into a Deep Thoughts category topic (which it isn't) I'm sorry. The whole point of this thread was to say that 99% of the time Politics and Anti-American rants and raves were introduced at the DCMBs it was done by Liberals/Canadians/Europeans.....that's all. They rarely could let a thread go by without saying some cocksucker remark. So since we're dealing with a comics message board I figured this category would do just fine. [izzat so?]
Somehow I think "cocksucker = "doesn't agree with me. Boo-hoo!"

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That's exactly what it means. [mwah hwah haa]

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