Originally posted by Mr. Nobody:
Originally posted by First National Bastard:
No, it's not.

Not only are the Nature Boyz (who don't exist) here, but so am I, Assanon's first officially banned member! [biiiig grin]

Sadly, I think I'm the one that pulled the trigger in that banning. At least one of your bannings. Sad, dark days indeed.
Eh... I got the last laugh. Because of me, the place was made into an unbearable fascistic state where rules were obeyed... OR ELSE!, Memberships had to be approved by 20 people, backstage politics between the chosen few affected everyone, yet no one knew about them, and Victor Creed got his own forum so everything appeared politically correct. Of course, the Nature Boyz (who don't exist) just kept pushing until, well... powder keg, man. Powder Keg.

Also, I learned one important lesson out of it all. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely... unless you're Rob Kamphausen, of course. [biiiig grin]