[sad] That was a major shock for me, actually -- I saw an advance copy in my store a few days ago, and I had NO IDEA that was coming (probably because I haven't been on the new DC boards very much at all). I suppose it's still possible for them to kill DONNA TROY also in the third issue, although that would probably alienate so many readers that they shouldn't even bother starting the new series...

I'm missing DOOM PATROL already. Sometimes I forget that there are still two more issues. However, I do still have the DP Archives vol. 1 to read through, and maybe they will even release an Archives vol. 2 sometime soon.

I've liked X-STATIX as much now as always, but I'm a little confused as to what's happening... my subscription box last month had WOLVERINE/DOOP #1 -- is this a mini, or has it "taken over" X-STATIX for the time being? How many issues is it? I liked the art and all, but it is muy weird.