This is a copy of my reply on the main DC boards. Sorry for repeating myself.
If Superboy needs a team then I say the Legion. (and for easy of reference Kon shall remain Kon whilst Kal shall always be Superboy to me. Damn DC for erradicting him)
Kon El has met Kal El on a number of occasions, during Zero Hour and in his own comic. The Legion met Superboy during Zero Hour and as someone has also said, the pocket universe still exisits due to the existance in the DC universe of the Matrix Character, so we know a version of the Legion has met the pocket universe Superboy, who may or may not be the same as the Hypertime Superboy met by Kon who may or may not be the original Superboy.
Now my brain hurts and I need a lie down.
But a gut reaction says put Kon with the titans, and Superboy with the Legion. Actually having the Legion remember the meetings with Kon, whilst having to adjust to the Kal El Superboy (complete with boy scout attitude)could cause some good character interaction. I mean, imagine Triads confusion when she try's to vamp it up with Superboy the way she did with Kon.
![[humina humina]](graemlins/love.gif)