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SPOILERS SPOILERS * * * * * * * * * * * I'm not going to give away much but put the spoiler spacess in...
Some of us have correctly guessed who the villain is and its not Darkseid. Lots of Legionnaires but all seen through Imra's mind/dream.
This is what I'd call a "bridge" issue - doesn't advance the plot line much - but I really enjoyed it, actually smiled through most of it.
Great line from one character: "Really dead or just regular superhero dead?" Tenzil makes a guest appearance - yay! One panel only, though.
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How'd you get your copy already? Our books don't arrive until tomorrow because of the holiday. Oh, Canada. I can tell that I'm going to like this issue as much as the last one already. And I think I'm changing the quote in my signature line to, "Really dead or just regular superhero dead?" I like it.
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BTW Fat Cramer, I deleted your second thread on the same topic. Figured you had a computer glitch or something. My first use of my mod privileges. Guess I'll find out if I pissed off the Mighty Gob or not. ![[gulp!]](gulp.gif)
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Thank you for the delete. It was a glitch and I figured you, Rob or Gob would nuke it.
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i'm really looking forward to PART 2 !!!
but it's not out in the UK till, Friday !!!
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Here's another Canadian who has read the new book.
Spoilers will ensue so beware.
I have to say I was pretty disappointed with this issue. The timing seems off for so much "filler". I think the pace needed to continue to pick up in this second issue of the storyline. None of what happens really amounts to anything, except the final panel where a villain is revealed.
The first Imra-waitress dream is just a boring re-hash of the Imra/Jo/Tinya/Brin quadrangle with no resolvement. The only thing it establishes is that it seems to be on Imra's mind a lot. The second Imra-lost-universe dream was much the same as we saw in the similar scene in Legion Lost but without the Element Lad/Progenitor connection. You had to know this was a dream cause Umbra looks so happy! This was a chance for Garth fans to see him again (and nekkid to boot), which is nice. The same goes for Monstress fans, (except the nekkid part). Otherwise - what have we learned here. Not much.
Maybe I'm just going through Lu withdrawal but I expected more from Dream Crime #2.
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quote: Originally posted by Fat Cramer: Some of us have correctly guessed who the villain is and its not Darkseid.
Who did you guy guess it was and who did it end up being?
I won't get my copy for a loooooooong time ![[sad]](images/icons/frown.gif)
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Yeah, for a SPOILER thread, this thread is pretty spoiler-free! SPILL IT, Cramer and Mark! Who's the baddie-- UNIVERSO? ![[izzat so?]](graemlins/zatso.gif)
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Well, Universo already appeared in Titans/Legion, so that might be a little boring. Unless he's part of a 31st Centuy rebirth of the Corps.
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OKAY, TOTAL SPOILERS.... **** * * * * * * * * * * Yes, it's Universo, revealed last panel, he has Imra hooked up into some big machine. He appears to have singled her out because she is the most dangerous one to him ("Too clever"). So is everyone else under his control already?
Imra was the one who broke free of Universo's control in an pre-boot story - where she, Brainiac 5, Cham & Dream Girl were imprisoned by Universo.
Man from Cargg, I understand your disappointment because it was all filler plot-wise - what I enjoyed was seeing the whole Lost team together, with Lightning Lad & Monstress, and Jan as prisoner of the Progenitor.
It also suggested, if these are Imra's independent thoughts, that she is kinda screwed up and not the fearless iron-butt I thought she was. A big crush on Rokk, admiring Shvaugn Erin for being a tough "for a girl", herself failing to get into the Science Police, attracted to Jo but scared of him, doesn't even know Tinya's name ...
In the restaurant dream (1st dream), SP Rokk tries to arrest Jo & Brin, Jo threatens to shoot them both, Imra attacks Jo, saying "I'm not a waitress, I'm Saturn Girl, I'm a Legionnaire" (not an exact quote). This breaks her dream and we see her wake up on the Outpost with the Lost Legion. She tells the team about Legion World, Ra's al Ghul, Garth's & Monstress' deaths - and they tell her it was her dream. The Progeny attack and *boom* we see her as prisoner of Universo.
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quote: Originally posted by Fat Cramer: OKAY, TOTAL SPOILERS.... **** * * * * * * * * * * Yes, it's Universo, revealed last panel, he has Imra hooked up into some big machine. He appears to have singled her out because she is the most dangerous one to him ("Too clever"). So is everyone else under his control already?
Imra was the one who broke free of Universo's control in an pre-boot story - where she, Brainiac 5, Cham & Dream Girl were imprisoned by Universo.
Man from Cargg, I understand your disappointment because it was all filler plot-wise - what I enjoyed was seeing the whole Lost team together, with Lightning Lad & Monstress, and Jan as prisoner of the Progenitor.
It also suggested, if these are Imra's independent thoughts, that she is kinda screwed up and not the fearless iron-butt I thought she was. A big crush on Rokk, admiring Shvaugn Erin for being a tough "for a girl", herself failing to get into the Science Police, attracted to Jo but scared of him, doesn't even know Tinya's name ...
In the restaurant dream (1st dream), SP Rokk tries to arrest Jo & Brin, Jo threatens to shoot them both, Imra attacks Jo, saying "I'm not a waitress, I'm Saturn Girl, I'm a Legionnaire" (not an exact quote). This breaks her dream and we see her wake up on the Outpost with the Lost Legion. She tells the team about Legion World, Ra's al Ghul, Garth's & Monstress' deaths - and they tell her it was her dream. The Progeny attack and *boom* we see her as prisoner of Universo.
sounds GOOD to me !!! just one more day to go .....
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The way I look at it is that the first dream scenario was an attempt by Universo to keep Imra controlled by putting her in a reality where she is submissive, with Rokk and Jo (the two Legionnaires who you could say that she has had pseudo-relationships with) thrown in as added distractions. Unfortunately for Vidar, her inherently strong self-image broke that spell.
It then seems that his second attempt was much more succesful because it fufilled her true heart's desires. Her true love Garth still alive, and the respect of her fellow Legionnaires still intact. A truly seductive fantasy that even Imra was unable or unwilling to dissuade herself from.
All I can say is that when the dream is inevitably taken from her, I wouldn't want to be in Universo's pixie shoes.
Overall, I thought this issue was probably one of the best character studies I've read in a while. I felt so bad for Imra by the end that I was pretty surprised, because she's never been that sympathetic of a character.
I think maybe with all the hype over "Darkseid" and Dreamer's apocalyptic visions we might have been expecting more action than this arc is really going to have or need. Universo is not a foe that's going to be beaten by M'Onel or Wildfire, I'm guessing.
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quote: Originally posted by matlock: The way I look at it is that the first dream scenario was an attempt by Universo to keep Imra controlled by putting her in a reality where she is submissive, with Rokk and Jo (the two Legionnaires who you could say that she has had pseudo-relationships with) thrown in as added distractions. Unfortunately for Vidar, her inherently strong self-image broke that spell.
It then seems that his second attempt was much more succesful because it fufilled her true heart's desires. Her true love Garth still alive, and the respect of her fellow Legionnaires still intact. A truly seductive fantasy that even Imra was unable or unwilling to dissuade herself from.
I like your insights Matt. If they had come across that way to me while I was reading the comic it would have been a much more enjoyable experience.
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So I thought the issue was a fairly solid spotlight on Imra. We see her insecurities played with, her obvious attractions to Rokk (who she feels she's not good enough for) and to Jo (who she feels is not good enough for her), and her abiding love for Garth (who is, somehow, just right). I guess the biggest complaint is that Imra is the one character perhaps least in need of a spotlight!
I think the ending panel would have had quite a bit of impact had it not been accidentally spoiled a month ago. It's still not obvious that Darkseid isn't involved in some way, but odds seem against it.
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quote: Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester: I guess the biggest complaint is that Imra is the one character perhaps least in need of a spotlight!
You got that right, Eryk! She's been overused from day one. Put her out to space-pasture for awhile, I say.
I don't really like spotlight issues. I like the Legion because of the variety of characters and the teamwork. If I wanted a comic that only featured one character, I'd read Daredevil or Spiderman.
Hey, why don't the new DC boards have this handy quote feature?
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Hey, why don't the new DC boards have this handy quote feature? [/QB]
'Cause DC's brains were fat-assed by Nardo.
There were a few guest appearances in the restaurant scene - 2 Athramites, a guy who looks like Blue Beetle, a point-eared Elvis - any ideas who the other diner customers were?
Also, I noticed that everyone in the Lost/Outpost dream was smiling, not just Umbra. Must have been a function of Imra's dream, everybody happy to see her revive, when they were all kinda pissed off at her for the Tinya/other legionnaires manipulation.
Does anyone know what the words on the cover are? I figure it's in Interlac - any linguists here?
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A fair issue. The scenes in the restaurant are fun, and the scenes with the LOST Legionnaires are great -- who can blame Imra for wanting to chalk up her recent experiences to a bad dream?
But, I, too, felt the issue was filler. It gave us some insights into Imra's insecurities, but, otherwise, it could have been done in less than a full issue.
Glad that the big U is the bad guy instead of the big D (at least this month!). It actually makes sense that Universo is involved, if TITANS/LEGION really "happened" and hasn't been simply ignored. This means that Sarmen Ardeen (Universo) has been in his mind-dampening dungeon on Titan all along and that he was somehow awakened by the Titanet.
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Still haven't read LEGION 20 yet-- it's at the bottom of the pile along with my other "save the faves for last"s....
But can I go on record as saying I HATED UNIVERSE ABLAZE's rebooted Universo.
That Universo isn't Rond Vidar's father is ANOTHER reboot that seems a travesty to me, along with Nura & Mysa not being sisters.
And I *hate* that UNIVERSO is related to SATURN GIRL... hate, hate, HATE it!
I don't see why, since UNIVERSE ABLAZE retconned ITSELF out at the end, that DnA haven't gone the traditional route with UNIVERSO... I guess we still don't know for sure yet WHAT the actual deal is...
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Parademons? Darkseids silhouette? A Boom Tube? And this is issue 21!! You sure it's Universo?
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I thought the issue was good, but a little unclear. I must be getting lazy, but while I knew there was some kind of wish fulfillment going on, the layouts were a little chaotic and I had trouble leaping from dream to dream.
Those sample pages look a little like a fantasy of Thom's--brave hero with control of his powers charging in to the rescue.
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The above pages do look like more dream sequences put in the Legionnaires heads by Universo, so, yeah, I'd still say Universo, MOTA.
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Whatever happens, if they kill Thom, I'll not be happy. ![[you sunnuva...]](images/icons/mad.gif)
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quote: Originally posted by Star Boy: Whatever happens, if they kill Thom, I'll not be happy.
Thom is the next Starman, I wouldn't worry.